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Nombre de jeux 809
Nombre de scans 1142
Revues de presse 369
Note moyenne 14.3
Année de sortie 1990
Constructeur Nintendo
Génération 4

TOP 10 des Jeux SNES

The Legend of Zelda : A Link to the Past #1 - The Legend of Zelda : A Link to the Past
SNES - Jeu de Rôle
Super Mario World 2 : Yoshi's Island #2 - Super Mario World 2 : Yoshi's Island
SNES - Plates-formes
Super Metroid #3 - Super Metroid
SNES - Aventure
Live A Live #4 - Live A Live
Gogo Ackman #5 - Gogo Ackman
Mega Man Soccer #6 - Mega Man Soccer
Final Fantasy VI #7 - Final Fantasy VI
Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World #8 - Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World
SNES - Compilation
Super Mario All Stars #9 - Super Mario All Stars
SNES - Compilation
Chrono Trigger #10 - Chrono Trigger

Jeux SNES populaires

BlaZeon #1 - BlaZeon
Chuck Rock #2 - Chuck Rock
SNES - Plates-formes
Super Mahjong : Taikai #3 - Super Mahjong : Taikai
SNES - Mahjong
Gods #4 - Gods
Arkanoid : Doh It Again #5 - Arkanoid : Doh It Again
SNES - Puzzle game
Mega Man X2 #6 - Mega Man X2
Cannondale Cup #7 - Cannondale Cup
Chester Cheetah : Too Cool to Fool #8 - Chester Cheetah : Too Cool to Fool
SNES - Plates-formes
Clock Tower #9 - Clock Tower
SNES - Aventure
Capcom's MVP Football #10 - Capcom's MVP Football

Tous les Jeux Video SNES

2020 Toshi no Super Baseball Sport 1993 N/C
3 Jigen Kakuto : Ballz Combat 1995 N/C
3 Ninjas Kick Back Plates-formes 1994 55%
3x3 Eyes : Juuma Houkan Action 1995 N/C
3x3 Eyes : Seima Kourinden Jeu de Rôle 1992 N/C
4 Nin Shogi Autres 1995 N/C
46 Okunen Monogatari - Harukanaru Eden e Action 1992 N/C
90 Minutes : European Prime Goal Sport 1995 70%
A Lenda De Zelda Um Elo Com O Passado Aventure 1992 N/C
A.S.P. Air Strike Patrol Shoot\'em\'Up 1995 N/C
Aaahh!!! Real Monsters Plates-formes 1996 40%
ABC Monday Night Football Sport 1993 N/C
Accele Brid Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 N/C
Ace o Nerae ! Sport 1993 N/C
ACME Animation Factory Educatif 1995 63%
Acrobat Mission Shoot\'em\'Up 1992 N/C
Action Pachio Plates-formes 1993 N/C
ActRaiser Aventure 1993 81%
ActRaiser 2 Aventure 1994 78%
ActRaiser 2 : Chinmoku e no Seisen Aventure 1993 N/C
Addams Family Values Aventure 1996 70%
Addams Family,The Plates-formes 1992 N/C
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons : Eye of the... Jeu de Rôle 1994 40%
Aero Fighters Shoot\'em\'Up 1994 N/C
Aero The Acro-Bat Plates-formes 1993 75%
Aero The Acro-Bat 2 Plates-formes 1994 80%
Aerobiz Stratégie 1993 70%
Aerobiz Supersonic Stratégie 1994 80%
Aguri Suzuki F-1 Super Driving Course 1992 50%
AIII S.V. : A-Ressha de Ikou 3 Super Version Stratégie 1995 N/C
Air Cavalry Simulation 1995 50%
Air Management : Oozora ni Kakeru Stratégie 1992 N/C
Air Management II Stratégie 1993 N/C
Akagawa Jirou : Majotachi no Nemuri Aventure 1995 N/C
Akazukin Chacha Jeu de Rôle 1996 N/C
Akumajou Dracula Plates-formes 1991 N/C
Akumajou Dracula XX Plates-formes 1995 N/C
Al Unser Jr.'s Road to the Top Course 1994 N/C
Aladdin Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Albert Odyssey Jeu de Rôle 1993 70%
Albert Odyssey 2 : Jashin no Taidou Jeu de Rôle 1994 20%
Alcahest Jeu de Rôle 1993 60%
Alfred Chicken Plates-formes 1994 20%
Alice no Paint Adventure Point & click 1995 60%
Alien 3 Action 1993 51%
Alien vs. Predator Beat\'em\'All 1993 45%
All-American Championship Football Sport 1994 N/C
America Oudan Ultra Quiz Quizz Game 1992 N/C
American Battle Dome Action 1995 N/C
American Gladiators Sport 1993 N/C
An American Tail : Fievel Goes West Plates-formes 1994 60%
Ancient Magic : Bazoe ! Mahou Sekai Jeu de Rôle 1993 N/C
Andre Agassi Tennis Sport 1994 N/C
Angelique Stratégie 1994 80%
Angelique Voice Fantasy Stratégie 1996 N/C
Animal Buranden : Brutal Combat 1994 N/C
Animaniacs Plates-formes 1994 80%
Another World Action 1993 86%
Aoki Densetsu Shoot ! Sport 1994 70%
Apocalypse II Shoot\'em\'Up 2015 N/C
Appleseed Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Aqutallion Jeu de Rôle 1993 N/C
Arabian Nights : Sabaku no Seirei Ou Jeu de Rôle 1996 N/C
Araiguma Rascal : Raccoon Rascal Puzzle game 1994 N/C
Arcana Jeu de Rôle 1992 N/C
Archer MacLean's Super Dropzone Shoot\'em\'Up 1995 N/C
Arcus Spirits Jeu de Rôle 1993 60%
Ardy Lightfoot Plates-formes 1994 85%
Area 88 Shoot\'em\'Up 1991 N/C
Aretha n/c N/C
Aretha : The Super Famicom Jeu de Rôle 1993 N/C
Aretha II : Ariel no Fushigi na Tabi Jeu de Rôle 1994 N/C
Arkanoid : Doh It Again Puzzle game 1997 N/C
Art of Fighting Combat 1993 58%
Ashita no Joe n/c N/C
Astérix et Obélix Plates-formes 1993 58%
Asterix Plates-formes 1993 64%
Axelay Shoot\'em\'Up 1992 80%
B.O.B Action 1993 70%
Bahamut Lagoon Tactique n/c 90%
Bakumatsu Korinden Oni n/c N/C
Bakuto Dochers n/c N/C
Ball Bullet Gun : Survival Game Simulation n/c N/C
Ballz 3D : Fighting at its Ballziest Combat 1994 N/C
Barbarossa n/c N/C
Barbie : Super Model n/c 10%
Barbie : Vacation Adventure 1994 N/C
Barkley : Shut Up and Jam ! 1994 N/C
Barkley no Power Dunk n/c N/C
Bass Masters Classic Simulation n/c 70%
Bass Masters Classic : Pro Edition Simulation 1996 N/C
Bassin's Black Bass with Hank Parker Simulation n/c 80%
Bastard ! ! Ankoku no Hakaishin n/c 50%
Batman Forever Beat\'em\'All 1995 45%
Batman Returns Beat\'em\'All 1993 83%
Battle Blaze n/c 50%
Battle Cars n/c 90%
Battle Clash Course 1992 90%
Battle Cross n/c 90%
Battle Dodge Ball n/c 80%
Battle Dodge Ball 2 n/c 40%
Battle Grand Prix n/c 90%
Battle Jockey n/c 50%
Battle Master : Kyuukyoku no Senshitachi n/c 80%
Battle Pinball Flipper n/c N/C
Battle Racers n/c N/C
Battle Robot Retsuden n/c N/C
Battle Soccer 2 n/c N/C
Battle Soccer : Field no Hasha n/c N/C
Battle Submarine n/c N/C
Battle Tycoon : Flash Hiders SFX n/c N/C
Battle Zeque-Den n/c 30%
Battletoads & Double Dragon - The Ultimate... 1994 71%
BattleToads in BattleManiacs 1993 75%
Bazooka Blitzkrieg Course n/c N/C
Beavis and Butt-Head n/c 40%
Bebe's Kids n/c 10%
Beethoven : The Ultimate Canine Caper ! Plates-formes 1993 70%
Benkei Gaiden : Suna no Shou n/c N/C
Best of the Best : Karate Championship 1993 20%
Big Ichigeki ! Pachi-Slot Dai-Kouryaku Casino n/c N/C
Big Ichigeki ! Pachi-Slot Dai-Kouryaku 2 Casino n/c N/C
Bike Daisuki ! Hashiriya Kon - Rider's Spirits n/c N/C
Biker Mice from Mars 1994 90%
Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball 1991 60%
Bill Walsh College Football n/c N/C
Bing Bing ! Bingo Casino n/c N/C
Biometal 1993 N/C
Bishin Densetsu Zoku : The Legend of Bishin Zoku n/c 70%
Bishoujo Janshi Suchie-Pai Réflexion n/c N/C
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon n/c 63%
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon : Sailor Stars Fuwa... Puzzle game n/c 80%
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R n/c 80%
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S n/c 60%
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S : Kondo wa Puzzle... Puzzle game n/c 70%
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S Kurukkurin Puzzle game n/c 90%
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Super S : Fuwa Fuwa... Puzzle game n/c 70%
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Super S: Shuyaku!!... n/c 70%
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Another Story n/c 30%
Bishoujo Wrestler Retsuden : Blizzard Yuki... n/c N/C
Blackhawk 1995 80%
BlackThorne n/c 75%
Blanco World Class Rugby Sport 1993 N/C
BlaZeon n/c 90%
BlaZeon : The Bio-Cyborg Challenge 1992 N/C
Blazing Skies Simulateur de vol 1993 68%
Block Kuzushi Casse Briques n/c 30%
Bomberman B-Daman n/c N/C
Bombuzal Plates-formes 1990 90%
Bonkers Plates-formes 1994 30%
Boogerman : A Pick and Flick Adventure 1996 50%
Bounty Sword n/c 80%
Boxing Legends of the Ring 1993 80%
Brain Lord 1994 58%
Bram Stoker's Dracula Action 1993 40%
Brandish n/c 30%
Brandish 2 : Expert n/c N/C
Brandish 2 : The Planet Buster n/c N/C
Brawl Brothers : Rival Turf ! 2 1993 70%
BreakThru ! Puzzle game n/c 70%
Breath of Fire n/c 80%
Breath of Fire II Jeu de Rôle 1994 79%
Brett Hull Hockey 1994 40%
Brett Hull Hockey 95 1995 60%
Bronkie the Bronchiasaurus Plates-formes 1995 N/C
Brunswick World Tournament of Champions 1997 N/C
Brutal : Paws of Fury Combat 1994 N/C
Bubsy : in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind Plates-formes 1993 65%
Bubsy II Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Bugs Bunny Rabbit Rampage 1994 65%
Bulls vs Blazers and the NBA Playoffs 1992 45%
Burai : Hachigyoku no Yuushi Densetsu n/c N/C
Bushi Seiryuuden : Futari no Yuusha n/c N/C
Bust-A-Move / Puzzle Bobble Puzzle game n/c N/C
Cacoma Knight Puzzle game n/c N/C
Cacoma Knight in Bizyland Puzzle game n/c N/C
Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball 1992 N/C
California Games II 1993 N/C
Cameltry n/c N/C
Cannon Fodder 1994 N/C
Cannondale Cup 1994 N/C
Capcom's MVP Football 1993 N/C
Capcom's Soccer Shootout 1994 N/C
Captain America and the Avengers n/c 40%
Captain Commando 1995 N/C
Captain Novolin Plates-formes n/c N/C
Captain Tsubasa III : Koutei no Chousen n/c N/C
Captain Tsubasa IV : Pro no Rival Tachi n/c N/C
Captain Tsubasa J : The Way to World n/c N/C
Captain Tsubasa V : Hasha no Shougou Campione n/c N/C
Caravan Shooting Collection Compilation n/c N/C
Card Master : Rimusaria no Fuuin 1992 N/C
Carrier Aces 1995 N/C
Castlevania : Vampire's Kiss 1996 70%
CB Chara Wars : Ushinawareta Gag n/c N/C
Champions World Class Soccer 1994 N/C
Championship Pool 1994 N/C
Chaos Seed : Fuusui Kairouki n/c N/C
Chavez II n/c N/C
Chester Cheetah : Too Cool to Fool Plates-formes 1992 N/C
Chester Cheetah : Wild Wild Quest Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Chinhai Puzzle game 1995 N/C
Cho Aniki : Bakuretsu Ranto Hen n/c N/C
Choplifter 3 1993 N/C
Chou-Mahou Tairiku Wozz n/c N/C
Choujikuu Yousai Macross : Scrambled Valkyrie n/c 90%
Chrono Trigger 1995 93%
Chuck Rock Plates-formes 1991 80%
Classic Road n/c N/C
Classic Road II : Real Kouma Simulation n/c N/C
Clayfighter 1994 50%
Clayfighter 2 : Judgement Clay 1994 30%
Claymates Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Cliffhanger 1993 30%
Clock Tower Aventure 1995 N/C
Clue : Parker Brothers' Classic Detective Réflexion 1992 N/C
College Football USA 97 1996 N/C
Computer Nou Riki Kaiseki : Ultra Baken Sport n/c N/C
Congo's Caper Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Conveni Wars Barcode Battler Senki : Super Senshi... n/c N/C
Cool Spot Plates-formes 1994 65%
Cool World 1992 25%
Coron Land n/c N/C
Cosmo Gang The Puzzle Puzzle game n/c N/C
Cosmo Gang The Video n/c N/C
Cosmo Police Galivan II : Arrow of Justice n/c N/C
Crayon Shin-Chan 2 : Dai Maou no Gyakushu Plates-formes n/c N/C
Crayon Shin-Chan : Arashi o Yobu Enji Plates-formes n/c N/C
Crayon Shin-Chan : Osagusu Dobon Puzzle game n/c N/C
Crystal Beans : From Dungeon Explorer n/c N/C
Cu-On-Pa SFC Puzzle game n/c N/C
Cutthroat Island 1996 N/C
Cyber Knight n/c N/C
Cyber Knight II : Chikyuu Teikoku no Yabou n/c N/C
Cybernator 1993 78%
Cyborg 009 Plates-formes n/c N/C
D-Force n/c N/C
Daffy Duck : The Marvin Missions 1994 67%
Dai-3-Ji Super Robot Taisen n/c N/C
Dai-4-Ji Super Robot Taisen n/c N/C
Daibakushou : Jinsei Gekijou n/c N/C
Daibakushou : Jinsei Gekijou - DokiDoki Seishun... n/c N/C
Daibakushou : Jinsei Gekijou - Ooedo Nikki n/c N/C
Daibakushou : Jinsei Gekijou - Zukkoke SalaryMan... n/c N/C
Daikaijyuu Monogatari n/c N/C
Daikaijyuu Monogatari II n/c N/C
Daikoukai Jidai II Tactique n/c N/C
Daisenryaku Expert n/c N/C
Daisenryaku Great Strategy Expert WWII : War in... 1996 N/C
Darius Force n/c N/C
Darius Twin Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 75%
Dark Half n/c N/C
Dark Kingdom n/c N/C
Dark Law : Meaning of Death n/c N/C
Daruma Dojo Puzzle game n/c N/C
Date Kimiko no Virtual Tennis n/c N/C
David Crane's Amazing Tennis 1992 N/C
Daze Before Christmas Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Deae Tonosama Appare Ichiban n/c N/C
Dear Boys n/c N/C
Death Brade n/c N/C
Dekitate High School n/c N/C
Demolition Man 1995 N/C
Demon's Crest 1994 82%
Dennis Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Densetsu no Ogre Battle : The March of the Black... n/c N/C
Der Langrisser n/c N/C
Derby Jockey 2 Sport n/c N/C
Derby Jockey : Kishou e no Michi Sport n/c N/C
Derby Stallion 96 Sport n/c N/C
Derby Stallion 98 Sport n/c N/C
Derby Stallion II Sport n/c N/C
Derby Stallion III Sport n/c N/C
Desert Fighter Shoot\'em\'Up 1994 N/C
Desert Fighter (Jap). Shoot\'em\'Up 1994 N/C
Desert Strike : Return to the Gulf Shoot\'em\'Up 1994 75%
Devil's Course n/c N/C
Dino Dini's Soccer 1995 N/C
Dinocity Plates-formes 1992 N/C
Dirt Racer 1995 N/C
Dirt Trax FX 1995 N/C
Disney's Beauty and the Beast Plates-formes 1995 N/C
Disney's Bonkers Plates-formes n/c N/C
Disney's Pinocchio 1996 77%
Disney's Aladdin Plates-formes 1993 77%
Disney's Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games Party game 1998 N/C
Dokapon 3-2-1 : Arashi o Yobu Yuujou n/c N/C
Dokapon Gaiden : Honoo no Audition n/c N/C
Dokuritsu Sensou : Liberty or Death n/c N/C
Dolucky no Kusayakiu n/c N/C
Dolucky no Puzzle Tour '94 Puzzle game n/c N/C
Dolucky's A-League Soccer n/c N/C
Donald Duck no Mahou no Boushi Plates-formes n/c N/C
Donald in Maui Mallard Plates-formes 1996 N/C
Donkey Kong Country Plates-formes 1994 91%
Donkey Kong Country 2 : Diddy's Kong Quest Plates-formes 1995 92%
Donkey Kong Country 3 : Dixie Kong's Double... Plates-formes 1996 83%
Doom FPS 1996 57%
Doom Troopers Plates-formes 1995 N/C
Doraemon 2 : Nobita no Toizurando Daibouken n/c N/C
Doraemon 3 : Nobita to Toki no Hougyoku Plates-formes n/c N/C
Doraemon 4 : Nobita to Toki no Okoku Plates-formes n/c N/C
Doraemon : Nobita to Yousei no Kuni n/c N/C
DoReMi Fantasy : Milon no DokiDoki Daibouken Plates-formes n/c N/C
Dossun ! Ganseki Battle Puzzle game n/c N/C
Double Dragon V : The Shadow Falls Combat 1994 N/C
Down the World : Mervil's Ambition n/c N/C
Downtown Nekketsu Baseball Monogatari: Baseball... n/c N/C
Dragon : The Bruce Lee Story 1995 73%
Dragon Ball Z 1993 77%
Dragon Ball Z 2 : La Légende Saien 1994 85%
Dragon Ball Z 3 : Ultime Menace 1995 43%
Dragon Ball Z : Chou Saiya Sensetsu n/c 60%
Dragon Ball Z Super Gokuden : Kakusei-Hen n/c 67%
Dragon Ball Z Super Gokuden : Totsugeki-Hen n/c N/C
Dragon Ball Z: Hyper Dimension 1996 80%
Dragon Quest I & II Compilation n/c N/C
Dragon Quest II : Akuryou no Kamigami n/c 75%
Dragon Quest III : Soshite Densetsu e... n/c N/C
Dragon Quest V : Tenkuu no Hanayome n/c 90%
Dragon Quest VI n/c 85%
Dragon Slayer : Eiyuu Densetsu II n/c N/C
Dragon View n/c N/C
Dragon's Earth n/c N/C
Dragon's Lair 1993 63%
Drakkhen 1991 N/C
Dream Basketball : Dunk & Hoop n/c N/C
Dream T.V 1994 N/C
Drift King Shutokou Battle '94 n/c N/C
Drift King Shutokou Battle 2 n/c N/C
Dual Orb n/c N/C
Dual Orb II n/c N/C
Dungeon Master 1992 N/C
DunQuest : Majin Fuuin no Densetsu n/c N/C
Dynamaite : The Las Vegas Casino n/c N/C
Dynamic Stadium n/c N/C
Earth Defense Force 1991 N/C
Earth Light : Anime-tic Space War Game n/c N/C
Earth Light : Luna Strike n/c N/C
EarthBound 1995 N/C
Earthworm Jim 1995 84%
Earthworm Jim 2 1996 78%
Edo no Kiba n/c N/C
Eek! The Cat Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Eien no Filena n/c N/C
Elfaria : A Fantastic Theater n/c N/C
Elfaria II : The Quest of the Meld n/c N/C
Elite Soccer 1994 N/C
Elnard Jeu de Rôle 1993 N/C
Emerald Dragon n/c N/C
Emmitt Smith Football 1995 N/C
Energy Breaker n/c N/C
Equinox 1994 85%
Eric Cantona Football Challenge Sport 1993 78%
Esparks : Ijikuu Kara no Raihousha n/c N/C
ESPN Baseball Tonight 1994 N/C
ESPN National Hockey Night n/c N/C
ESPN Speedworld n/c N/C
ESPN Sunday Night Football n/c N/C
Estpolis Denki n/c N/C
Euro Football Champ 1992 N/C
Europa Sensen n/c N/C
EVO : Search for the Eden Action 1993 N/C
Exertainment Mountain Bike Rally 1995 N/C
Exhaust Heat Course 1993 85%
Exhaust Heat II : F-1 Driver no Kiseki Course n/c N/C
Extra Innings 1992 N/C
F-1 Grand Prix n/c N/C
F-1 Grand Prix Part II 1993 N/C
F-1 Grand Prix Part III n/c N/C
F-Zero 1992 80%
F1 Pole Position 1993 N/C
F1 Pole Position 2 Course 1994 55%
F1 World Championship Edition 1995 N/C
Faceball 2000 1992 N/C
Family Dog Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Family Feud Quizz Game 1993 N/C
Farland Story n/c N/C
Farland Story 2 Tactique n/c N/C
Fatal Fury Combat 1993 73%
Fatal Fury 2 1994 N/C
Fatal Fury Special 1995 N/C
FEDA : The Emblem of Justice n/c N/C
Fever Pitch Soccer 1995 N/C
FIFA 97 1996 N/C
FIFA 98: En route pour la Coupe du Monde 1997 N/C
FIFA International Soccer 1994 N/C
FIFA Soccer 96 1995 N/C
Fighter's History n/c N/C
Fighter's History : Mizoguchi Kiki Ippatsu!! n/c N/C
Fighting Spirit : Tuff E Nuff Combat 1993 N/C
Final Fantasy : Mystic Quest 1993 82%
Final Fantasy III n/c N/C
Final Fantasy IV n/c 85%
Final Fantasy V n/c 80%
Final Fantasy VI n/c 95%
Final Fight 1992 72%
Final Fight 2 1993 N/C
Final Fight 3 1995 70%
Final Fight Guy 1994 N/C
Final Set n/c N/C
Final Soldier 1991 N/C
Final Stretch n/c N/C
Fire Emblem : Monsho no Nazo n/c N/C
Fire Emblem : Seisen no Keifu n/c N/C
Fire Emblem : Thracia 776 n/c N/C
Fire Fighting 1995 N/C
Firepower 2000 1994 N/C
Firestriker Action 1994 N/C
First Queen : Ornic Senki n/c N/C
First Samurai 1993 N/C
Fishing Koshien Simulation n/c N/C
Flashback 1993 80%
Flying Hero : Bugyuru no Daibouken n/c N/C
Football Fury 1993 N/C
Foreman for Real 1995 N/C
Fortune Quest : Dice o Korogase n/c N/C
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball 1995 N/C
Frantic Flea Plates-formes 1996 N/C
Frogger n/c N/C
From TV Animation - Slam Dunk 2 : IH Yosen... n/c N/C
From TV animation - Slam Dunk : Dream Team... n/c N/C
From TV Animation - Slam Dunk : Yonkyo Taiketsu !... n/c N/C
From TV Animation - Slam Dunk SD Heat Up !! n/c N/C
Front Mission Tactique n/c 88%
Front Mission : Gun Hazard n/c N/C
Full Throttle All-American Racing 1994 N/C
Fun 'n Games Educatif 1994 N/C
Funaki Masakatsu Hybrid Wrestler : Tougi Denshou Combat n/c N/C
Fune Tarou Simulation n/c N/C
Furuta Atsuya no Simulation Pro Yakyuu 2 n/c N/C
Fushigi no Dungeon 2 : Fuurai no Shiren n/c N/C
Georges Foreman's KO Boxing 1992 N/C
Ghost Chaiser Densei Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Ghoul Patrol 1994 65%
Goal ! Sport 1992 N/C
Gods 1993 77%
Gogo Ackman n/c 95%
Gogo Ackman 2 n/c 93%
Gogo Ackman 3 n/c 90%
Goof Troop 1994 74%
GP-1 1993 N/C
Hagane 1995 90%
Harvest Moon 1998 90%
Hey Punk! Are you Tuff E Nuff? 1993 N/C
Hokuto no Ken 6 n/c N/C
Home Alone 1992 35%
Home Alone 2 : Lost in New York Plates-formes 1992 N/C
Hoshi no Kirby 3 Plates-formes n/c N/C
Hoshi no Kirby Super Deluxe Party game n/c N/C
Hyper Iria n/c 55%
Hyper V-Ball 1994 70%
Illusion of Time 1994 87%
Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures Aventure 1995 75%
International Superstar Soccer 1994 N/C
International Superstar Soccer Deluxe 1996 83%
Iron Commando : Koutetsu no Senshi Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
J-League Excite Stage '94 1994 N/C
J-League Soccer : Prime Goal 3 Sport 1995 N/C
Jack Nicklaus Golf 1991 80%
Jaleco Rally - Big Run : The Supreme 4WD... n/c N/C
James Bond Jr 1992 25%
Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour Sport 1992 N/C
Joe & Mac : Caveman Ninja 1992 85%
John Madden Football 1992 N/C
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure n/c N/C
Judge Dredd Action 1995 55%
Jungle Strike : the Sequel to Desert Strike Action 1995 N/C
Jurassic Park Aventure 1993 73%
Jurassic Park Part 2 : The Chaos Continues Action 1994 65%
Justice League Task Force 1995 75%
Ka-Blooey Plates-formes 1992 N/C
Kawasaki Superbikes Course 1995 N/C
Keeper Puzzle game n/c N/C
Kick Off 1993 N/C
Kick Off 3 : European Challenge Sport 1994 N/C
Kid Klown in Crazy Chase 1994 90%
Killer Instinct 1995 91%
King Arthur's World 1993 78%
King of Dragons n/c N/C
Kirby Super Star Party game n/c 83%
Kirby's Dream Course Sport 1995 N/C
Kirby's Dream Land 3 Plates-formes n/c 80%
Kirby's Fun Pak Party game 1996 85%
Kirby's Ghost Trap Puzzle game 1995 N/C
Knight of the Round 1994 N/C
Krusty's Super Fun House Plates-formes 1992 70%
Kyle Petty's No Fear Racing n/c N/C
L'Arme Fatale 1992 N/C
La Belle et la Bête Plates-formes 1994 70%
Lamborghini american challenge Course 1993 N/C
Last Action Hero 1993 60%
Le Cobaye Action 1994 75%
Le Livre de la Jungle 1994 80%
Le Roi Lion Plates-formes 1994 80%
Legend 1994 74%
Lemmings 1992 93%
Lemmings 2 : The Tribes Réflexion 1995 85%
Les Aventures de Tintin : Le temple du Soleil Plates-formes 1997 N/C
Les Schtroumpfs 1994 73%
Les Schtroumpfs Autour du Monde Plates-formes 1996 59%
Lethal Enforcers Tir 1994 N/C
Lethal Weapon 1992 55%
Live A Live n/c 95%
Lock On Tir 1993 N/C
Lucky Luke 1994 65%
Lufia 1996 N/C
Lufia & the Fortress of Doom n/c 70%
Lufia II : Rise of the Sinistrals n/c 80%
Magic Boy Plates-formes 1996 70%
Magic Sword Beat\'em\'All 1993 85%
Major Title Sport 1993 80%
Mario is Missing! Autres 1993 50%
Mario no Super Picross Puzzle game n/c N/C
Mario Paint Autres 1992 78%
Mazinger Z Plates-formes 1993 75%
Mechwarrior Simulation 1993 N/C
Mechwarrior 3050 1995 N/C
Mega Man 7 1995 N/C
Mega Man Soccer n/c 95%
Mega Man X 1994 87%
Mega Man X2 1994 75%
Mega Man X3 1995 78%
Metal Combat : Falcon's Revenge Course 1993 N/C
Michael Jordan : Chaos in the Windy City Action 1994 85%
Mickey Mania : The Timeless Adventures Of Mickey... Plates-formes 1994 85%
Micro Machines 1993 80%
Micro Machines 2 Turbo Tournament 1996 75%
Mighty Max Plates-formes 1995 N/C
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Beat\'em\'All 1995 55%
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers : The Fighting... 1995 N/C
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers : The Movie 1995 N/C
MLBPA Baseball Sport n/c N/C
Mortal Kombat Combat 1993 68%
Mortal Kombat 3 Combat 1995 70%
Mortal Kombat : Shinken Kourin Densetsu Combat n/c N/C
Mortal Kombat II Combat 1994 90%
Mr Nutz Plates-formes 1994 65%
Mr.Do ! Action 1997 N/C
Ms. Pac-Man 1997 59%
Musya n/c 50%
NBA All-Star Challenge 1992 N/C
NBA Jam 1993 90%
NBA Jam Tournament Edition Sport 1995 70%
NBA Live 95 1994 N/C
NBA Live 96 1995 N/C
NBA Live 97 1996 N/C
NBA Live 98 1997 N/C
NBA Showdown 2012 N/C
New 3D Golf Simulation : Harukanaru Augusta Sport 1993 N/C
NHL 95 1994 N/C
NHL Hockey '94 n/c N/C
NHLPA Hockey 93 1993 N/C
Nickelodeon : Aaahh!!! Real Monsters 1995 14%
Nigel Mansell's World Championship Course 1993 N/C
Nightmare Busters Action 2013 N/C
Ninja Kid n/c 80%
Ninja Warriors : The New Generation 1994 N/C
Nintendo Scope 6 Course 1994 50%
On the Ball 1993 N/C
Othello World n/c N/C
Out to Lunch Plates-formes 1993 70%
Pac-Attack Puzzle game 1993 N/C
Pac-Man 2 : The New Adventures Aventure 1994 50%
Paperboy 2 1992 8%
Parodius 1992 90%
Phalanx Shoot\'em\'Up 1992 N/C
Phantom 2040 1995 N/C
Pilotwings 1993 80%
Pinball Dreams Flipper 1994 N/C
Pink Goes to Hollywood Plates-formes 1994 55%
Pit-Fighter 1992 N/C
Pitfall : The Mayan Adventure 1991 55%
Plok ! 1993 82%
Pocky & Rocky Action 1993 85%
Pocky & Rocky 2 Action 1994 N/C
Populous 1991 78%
Pop'n Twinbee 1993 80%
Pop'n TwinBee : Rainbow Bell Adventure Plates-formes 1994 80%
Power Athlete n/c 50%
Power Drive 1994 N/C
Power Rangers Zeo : Battle Racers 1996 N/C
Prehistorik Man Plates-formes 1996 78%
Primal Rage Combat 1995 N/C
Prince of Persia 1993 77%
Prince of Persia 2 : The Shadow and the Flame 1993 80%
Pro Soccer n/c N/C
Push Over Puzzle game 1992 75%
Q*bert 3 n/c 80%
R-Type Returns : Collectors Edition Shoot\'em\'Up 2018 N/C
Rampart n/c 75%
Ranma 1/2 1992 35%
Ranma Nibun No Ichi - Chougi Ranbuhen Combat 1994 80%
Redline F-1 Racer Course 1993 N/C
Retro-Bit DATA EAST Classic Collection Autres 2017 N/C
Richard au Pays des Livres Magiques Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Riddick Bowe Boxing 1994 N/C
Rise of the Robots 1995 29%
Rival Turf ! Beat\'em\'All 1992 47%
Road Runner's Death Valley Rally 1993 50%
RoboCop 3 1992 60%
RoboCop vs. Terminator 1993 75%
Rock Man & Forte n/c N/C
Rock Man 7 n/c N/C
Rock Man X n/c N/C
Rock Man X2 n/c N/C
Rock Man X3 n/c N/C
Rock'n Roll Racing 1993 73%
Romancing Sa-Ga n/c N/C
Rudra no Hihou n/c 75%
Run Saber Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Rushing Beat Ran : Fukusei Toshi n/c N/C
Rushing Beat Shura n/c 85%
Sailor Moon 1994 60%
Samurai Shodown Combat 1994 N/C
Secret of Evermore 1995 88%
Secret of Mana 1994 91%
Secret of Mana 2 Jeu de Rôle 1995 N/C
Seiken Densetsu 3 n/c 85%
Shanghai II Dragon's Eye n/c N/C
Shaq Fu 1994 20%
Shin Nekketsu Kouha : Kunio Tachi No Banka Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Shinseiki GPX Cyber Formula n/c N/C
Sim City 1992 85%
Sim City 2000 1996 N/C
Skyblazer 1994 90%
Smash Tennis 1994 70%
Soccer Kid Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Soldiers of Fortune 1993 N/C
Sonic Blast Man 1992 82%
Sonic Blast Man II Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Sonic Wings Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 N/C
Soul Blader Jeu de Rôle 1992 N/C
Soul Blazer 1994 75%
Sparkster : Rocket Knight Adventures 1994 75%
Spider-Man & Venom : Maximum Carnage Beat\'em\'All 1994 60%
Spider-Man and the X-Men : Arcade's Revenge Action 1993 N/C
Spindizzy Worlds 1993 N/C
Spirou Plates-formes 1995 75%
StarFox : Super Weekend Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 N/C
Stargate Plates-formes 1995 N/C
Starwing Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 80%
Starwing : Competition Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 N/C
Street Fighter Alpha 2 1996 85%
Street Fighter II 1992 90%
Street Fighter II Turbo 1993 92%
Street Racer 1994 76%
Stunt Race FX 1994 55%
Sunset Riders 1993 85%
Super Adventure Island Plates-formes 1992 75%
Super Air Diver Tir 1993 65%
Super Aleste 1992 89%
Super B.C. Kid Plates-formes 1995 N/C
Super Baseball 2020 Sport 1993 N/C
Super Battletank 2 1994 N/C
Super Black Bass 2 Simulation n/c N/C
Super Bomberman Action 1993 88%
Super Bomberman 2 1995 N/C
Super Bomberman 3 1995 N/C
Super Bomberman 4 1996 93%
Super Bomberman 5 n/c 90%
Super Bonk Plates-formes 1994 90%
Super Castlevania 4 1991 92%
Super Cup Soccer Sport 1992 N/C
Super Double Dragon 1993 90%
Super Earth Defense Force 1991 65%
Super Formation Soccer II n/c N/C
Super Genjin Plates-formes n/c N/C
Super Genjin 2 Plates-formes n/c N/C
Super Ghouls'N Ghosts 1991 89%
Super Goal ! Sport 1993 N/C
Super James Pond Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Super Jinsei Game : The Game of Life Jeu de société 1994 85%
Super Mahjong : Taikai Mahjong 1992 N/C
Super Mario All Stars Compilation 1993 95%
Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World Compilation 1994 95%
Super Mario All-Stars : Serie Super Classic Compilation 1997 N/C
Super Mario Kart 1993 87%
Super Mario RPG : Legend of the Seven Stars 1996 90%
Super Mario World Plates-formes 1992 93%
Super Mario World 2 : Yoshi's Island Plates-formes 1995 96%
Super Metroid Aventure 1994 96%
Super Nazo Puyo : Ruruu no Ruu Puzzle game n/c N/C
Super Off Road 1993 N/C
Super Pang 1992 74%
Super Pinball-Behind the Mask Flipper 1994 70%
Super Probotector : Alien Rebels 1992 86%
Super Punch-Out !! 1994 80%
Super R-Type 1992 80%
Super Real Mahjong PIV Mahjong 1994 N/C
Super Scope 6 Course 1994 N/C
Super Smash TV 1993 70%
Super Soccer Sport 1992 80%
Super Star Wars 1993 90%
Super Star Wars : Empire Strikes Back Action 1994 84%
Super Star Wars : Return of the Jedi 1994 82%
Super Street Fighter II 1995 90%
Super Strike Eagle Simulateur de vol 1993 N/C
Super Swiv 1993 N/C
Super Tennis 1991 N/C
Super Turrican Action 1993 90%
Super Turrican 2 Action 1995 N/C
Suzuki Aguri no F-1 Super Driving Course 1992 N/C
Syndicate 1995 N/C
T2 The Arcade Game Course 1994 65%
Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together Stratégie n/c N/C
Taiketsu!! Brass Numbers n/c N/C
Tales of Phantasia Jeu de Rôle 1995 90%
Targa Shoot\'em\'Up 2015 N/C
Taz-Mania 1993 75%
Tecmo Secret of the Stars 1995 N/C
Tecmo Super NBA Basketball 1993 90%
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles IV : Turtles in Time Beat\'em\'All 1992 82%
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Tournament... 1993 85%
Terminator 2 : Judgment Day 1993 N/C
Terranigma 1996 85%
Tetris & Dr Mario Puzzle game 1994 73%
Tetris Attack Puzzle game 1996 93%
Tetsuwan Atom Plates-formes n/c N/C
The 7th Saga Jeu de Rôle 1993 78%
The Addams Family Plates-formes 1992 80%
The Addams Family : Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt Plates-formes 1992 68%
The Adventures of Batman and Robin Beat\'em\'All 1994 85%
The Adventures of Dr. Franken Plates-formes 1994 N/C
The Adventures of Kid Kleets Plates-formes 1994 N/C
The Adventures of Mighty Max Plates-formes 1994 N/C
The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and... Plates-formes 1993 N/C
The Adventures of Yogi Bear Plates-formes 1994 60%
The Amazing Spider-Man : Lethal Foes Action 1995 70%
The Blue Crystal Rod n/c N/C
The Blues Brothers Plates-formes 1993 N/C
The Brainies Puzzle game 1994 N/C
The Chaos Engine 1993 N/C
The Chessmaster Réflexion 1992 N/C
The Combatribes 1993 N/C
The Death and Return of Superman 1994 N/C
The Firemen 1994 85%
The Flintstones Plates-formes 1995 N/C
The Flintstones : The Treasure of Sierra Madrock Plates-formes 1994 N/C
The Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey &... Plates-formes 1995 73%
The Irem Skins Game Sport 1992 N/C
The King of Dragons n/c N/C
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja 1994 87%
The Legend of Zelda : A Link to the Past Jeu de Rôle 1992 96%
The Lion King Plates-formes n/c N/C
The Lost Vikings Plates-formes 1993 83%
The Lost Vikings 2 1998 75%
The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse 1992 85%
The Ninja Warriors Again n/c 85%
The Peace Keepers Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
The Pirates of Dark Water Beat\'em\'All 1994 60%
The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare 1993 74%
Theme Park 1996 N/C
TimeCop 1995 N/C
Tintin : Le Temple du Soleil Aventure 1997 70%
Tintin au Tibet Plates-formes 1994 65%
Tiny Toon Adventures - Wild & Wacky Sports 1996 60%
Tiny Toons : Buster Busts Loose ! Plates-formes 1993 80%
Todd McFarlane's Spawn : The Video Game Beat\'em\'All 1995 N/C
Tom and Jerry Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Top Gear Course 1992 N/C
Top Gear 2 Course 1993 N/C
Top Gear 3000 Course 1995 N/C
Toy Story 1996 85%
Treasure Hunter G n/c 75%
True Lies 1995 65%
Tuff E Nuff 1993 N/C
Turn and Burn : No Fly Zone 1994 80%
U.N. Squadron Shoot\'em\'Up 1992 85%
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Combat 1996 N/C
Ultraman 1991 10%
Undercover Cops Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Unirally 1994 70%
Urban Strike 1995 N/C
Utopia Stratégie 1994 N/C
Vegas Stakes Jeu de Hasard 1993 65%
Virtual Soccer Sport 1994 N/C
Volleyball Twin n/c N/C
Vortex 1994 N/C
Wario's Woods Puzzle game 1995 85%
Waterworld Action 1995 N/C
Wayne's World Plates-formes 1993 N/C
WeaponLord 1995 N/C
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? Aventure 1993 80%
Whirlo Plates-formes 1992 N/C
Wild C.A.T.S, Jim Lee's : Covert Action Teams Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Wild Guns 1996 90%
Wing Commander Simulation 1993 N/C
Winter Olympics : Lillehammer '94 Sport 1994 30%
Wizardry V : Heart of the Maelstrom Jeu de Rôle 1994 N/C
Wolverine : Adamantium Rage 1994 N/C
World Class Rugby Sport 1993 N/C
World Heroes Combat 1993 N/C
World League Basketball Sport 1993 N/C
Worms 1996 80%
WWF Super Wrestlemania 1993 N/C
WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game 1995 N/C
X-Kaliber 2097 Action 1994 N/C
X-Men : Mutant Apocalypse n/c 70%
Xardion n/c N/C
Yogi Bear Plates-formes 1995 N/C
Yogi Bear's Cartoon Capers Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Yoshi's Safari 1993 N/C
Young Merlin Aventure 1994 N/C
Yu Yu Hakusho 2 : Kakutou No Sho n/c 80%
Yu Yu Hakusho FINAL n/c 85%
Yuu Yuu Hakusho n/c N/C
Zombies Ate My Neighbors 1994 89%
'96 Zenkoku Koukou Soccer Senshuken Sport 1996 N/C
- 32X - 3DO - 3DS - Adventure Vision - Amiga - Amiga CD32 - Amstrad-CPC 464 - Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Apple II - Atari 2600 - Atari 5200 - Atari 7800 - Atari ST - Atari XE - CD-i - Channel F - Colecovision - Commodore 64 - DD64 - Dreamcast - DS - e-Reader - Family Computer Disk System - Game and Watch - Game Boy - Game Boy Advance - Game Boy Color - Game Gear - Game Park 32 - GameCube - Gizmondo - GX-4000 - Intellivision - Jaguar - Jaguar CD - Lynx - Mac - Master System - Mega Drive - Genesis - Mega-CD - Sega CD - MSX - N-Gage - Neo Geo - Neo Geo Pocket - Neo Geo Pocket Color - Neo Geo-CD - NES - Famicom - Nintendo 64 - Odyssey - Odyssey2 - PC - PC-Engine CD Rom - PC-Engine Hu-Card - PC-Engine SuperGrafX - Playstation - Pokemon Mini - PS2 - PS3 - PSP - Saturn - SNES - TI-99 4A - TRS-80 - Vectrex - Videopac - Virtual Boy - Wii - Wonderswan - Wonderswan Color - Xbox - Xbox 360