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Nombre de jeux 1728
Nombre de scans 1812
Revues de presse 4678
Note moyenne 12.11
Année de sortie 2000
Constructeur Sony
Génération 6

TOP 10 des Jeux PS2

Final Fantasy X #1 - Final Fantasy X
PS2 - Jeu de Rôle
Metal Gear Solid 3 : Subsistence #2 - Metal Gear Solid 3 : Subsistence
PS2 - Infiltration
God of War #3 - God of War
PS2 - Beat\'em\'All
Okami #4 - Okami
PS2 -
Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas #5 - Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas
PS2 -
Dark Chronicle #6 - Dark Chronicle
PS2 - Jeu de Rôle
Shadow of the Colossus #7 - Shadow of the Colossus
PS2 -
TimeSplitters 2 #8 - TimeSplitters 2
PS2 -
Prince of Persia : Les Sables du Temps #9 - Prince of Persia : Les Sables du Temps
PS2 -
Metal Gear Solid 3 : Snake Eater #10 - Metal Gear Solid 3 : Snake Eater
PS2 - Infiltration

Tous les Jeux Video PS2

.hack Part 1: Infection Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
.hack//G.U. vol. 1//Rebirth Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
007 : Agent Under Fire FPS n/c 70%
007 : Espion Pour Cible FPS 2001 74%
007 : NightFire FPS 2002 72%
007 : Quantum of Solace Action 2008 58%
007 : Quitte ou Double Action 2004 80%
10.000 Bullets Action 2005 44%
18-Wheeler American Pro Trucker Course 2001 60%
187 Ride or Die Action 2005 77%
1945 I & II : The Arcade Games Compilation 2004 65%
24 Heures Chrono : Le Jeu Action 2006 49%
4x4 Evo 2 Action 2003 50%
4x4 Evolution Action 2001 60%
50 Cent : Bulletproof Action 2006 67%
7 Blades Action 2001 70%
7 Sins Action 2005 29%
7 Wonders of the Ancient World Puzzle game 2008 50%
A la Croisée des Mondes : La Boussole... Aventure 2007 47%
A Train 6 Gestion 2004 15%
Ace Combat 5 : Squadron Leader Action 2005 86%
Ace Combat : Distant Thunder Action 2002 79%
Ace Combat : The Belkan War Simulateur de vol 2006 80%
Aces Of War Simulateur de vol 2004 30%
Activision Anthology Compilation 2003 55%
Adibou et les voleurs d'energie Educatif 2005 N/C
Aeon Flux Action 2006 64%
Agassi Tennis Generation Sport 2002 40%
Age Of Empires 2 : The Age Of Kings 2001 64%
Agent Hugo Plates-formes 2005 40%
Agent Hugo Lemoon Twist Plates-formes 2008 35%
Agent Hugo roborumble Course 2007 20%
Aggressive Inline Sport 2002 87%
Air Ranger Rescue Helicopter Simulateur de vol 2002 65%
Airblade Sport 2001 69%
Airborne Troops Action 2005 37%
Akira Psycho Ball Flipper 2002 40%
Alexandra Ledermann : Le Haras De La Vallee 2007 55%
Alexandra Ledermann : L'Ecole Des Champions Sport 2006 55%
Alias Action 2004 59%
Alien Hominid Action 2005 80%
Aliens vs Predator : Extinction Stratégie 2003 42%
All Star Baseball 2002 Sport 2001 57%
All-Star Baseball 2003 Sport 2002 68%
All-Star Baseball 2004 Sport 2003 65%
Alone in the Dark Survival-horror 2008 45%
Alone In The Dark : The New Nightmare Survival-horror 2001 73%
Alpine Racer 3 Sport 2002 50%
Alpine Ski Racing 2007-Bode Miller vs Hermann... Sport 2007 N/C
Alter Echo Action 2003 67%
Altered Beast Beat\'em\'All 2005 64%
Alvin et les Chipmunks Musique 2008 19%
Amplitude Musique 2003 81%
AND 1 Streetball Sport 2006 42%
Animal Soccer World Sport 2004 5%
Animaniacs : The Great Edgar Hunt Plates-formes 2005 38%
Another Century's Episode Action 2005 N/C
Ape Escape 2 Plates-formes 2003 80%
Ape Escape 3 Plates-formes 2006 74%
Aqua Aqua Puzzle game 2000 50%
Ar Tonelico MMORPG 2007 67%
Arc : Le Clan des Deimos Jeu de Rôle 2004 74%
Arcade Action Compilation 2004 25%
Area 51 FPS 2005 71%
Armored Core 2 : Another Age Action 2002 68%
Armored Core 3 2003 64%
Armored Core : Nine Breaker 2006 59%
Armored Core NEXUS 2006 67%
Army Men : Air Attack 2 Action 2001 64%
Army Men : Green Rogue Action 2001 47%
Army Men : Sarge's Heroes 2 2001 70%
Army Men : Sarge's War 2004 40%
Army Men R.T.S Real Time Strategy 2002 53%
Arnaud Clement Tennis 2002 65%
Art of Fighting Anthology Compilation 2007 53%
Arthur et Les Minimoys 2006 80%
Assault Suits Valken 2005 40%
Astérix & Obélix XXL 2003 65%
Astérix & Obélix XXL 2 :... Action 2006 73%
Asterix aux Jeux Olympiques 2007 55%
Astro Boy 2005 36%
Astro Boy : The Video Game 2009 N/C
Atari Anthology Compilation 2005 N/C
Atelier Iris 2 2006 67%
Atelier Iris 3 : Grand Fantasm 2007 59%
Atelier Iris : Eternal Mana 2006 82%
Athens 2004 Sport 2004 60%
Atlantis 3 2001 68%
ATV Off Road 2001 75%
ATV Offroad Fury 2 2003 74%
ATV Offroad Fury 3 2006 77%
ATV Offroad Fury 4 2008 73%
ATV Quad Power Racing 2 2003 67%
Au Galop ! Aventures au Poney Club 2008 35%
Auto Modellista Course 2003 62%
Avatar : Le Dernier Maitre de L'Air 2006 49%
Avatar : Le Royaume de Terre en Feu 2007 40%
Azur et Asmar Plates-formes 2007 35%
B-Boy Autres 2006 52%
Bad Boys 2 2004 34%
Bakugan Battle Brawlers 2009 55%
Baldur's Gate : Dark Alliance Jeu de Rôle 2001 81%
Baldur's Gate : Dark Alliance II Jeu de Rôle 2004 67%
Barbarian Combat 2002 64%
Barbie Cavalière : Stage d'Equitation 2008 N/C
Barbie Horse Adventures 2003 55%
Basketball Xciting 2004 23%
Bass Master Fishing Simulation 2004 N/C
Batman 2 : Rise of Sin Tzu 2003 64%
Batman Begins 2005 66%
Batman Vengeance 2001 72%
Battle Engine Aquila 2003 82%
Battlefield 2 : Modern Combat FPS 2005 78%
Battlestar Galactica 2003 63%
BCV : Battle Construction Vehicles 2003 55%
Beach King Stunt Racing 2003 60%
Beat Down : Fists of Vengeance 2005 45%
Beatmania IIDX 10th style Musique n/c N/C
Beatmania IIDX 3rd style Musique n/c N/C
Beatmania IIDX 4th style Musique n/c N/C
Beatmania IIDX 5th style Musique n/c N/C
Beatmania IIDX 6th style Musique n/c N/C
Beatmania IIDX 7th style Musique n/c N/C
Beatmania IIDX 8th style Musique n/c N/C
Beatmania IIDX 9th style Musique n/c N/C
Bee Movie : Le jeu 2007 65%
Ben 10 : Protector of Earth 2007 43%
Ben Hur 2003 50%
Beyond Good & Evil Aventure 2003 91%
Bienvenue Chez Les Robinson 2007 59%
Big Mutha Truckers 2003 65%
Big Mutha Truckers 2 : Une virée en enfer 2005 46%
Bilbo Le Hobbit 2003 65%
Billiards Xciting 2004 45%
Bionicle 2003 40%
Bionicle Heroes 2006 45%
Black FPS 2006 77%
Black & Bruised 2003 48%
Blade 2 : Bloodlust 2002 43%
Bleach : Selected Soul n/c N/C
Bleach: Blade Battles n/c N/C
Bleach: Blade Battles 2nd n/c 70%
Bleach: Hanatareshi Yabou n/c N/C
Blood Omen 2 2002 79%
Blood Will Tell 2005 62%
BloodRayne 2003 62%
BloodRayne 2 2006 63%
Bloody Roar 3 Combat 2001 75%
Bloody Roar 4 2003 66%
BMX XXX 2002 55%
Bob L'Eponge : Le Film Plates-formes 2005 75%
Bob L'Eponge : Silence On Tourne ! 2005 60%
Bob L'Eponge Et Ses Amis : Un Pour Tous Tous Pour... 2006 50%
Bob L'Eponge & ses Amis contre les... 2007 35%
Bob l'Eponge et ses Amis : L'Ultime Alliance 2008 40%
Bombastic 2004 52%
Bomberman Hardball 2005 39%
Bomberman Kart 2003 30%
Bons Baisers de Russie 2005 60%
Boogie Musique 2007 40%
Bouge ! Avec Bob L'Eponge Et Ses Amis Autres 2005 50%
Boxing Champions 2004 40%
Braquage A L'Italienne 2003 53%
Bratz : Forever Diamondz Autres 2006 30%
Bratz : The Movie 2007 40%
Bratz Rock Angelz 2005 45%
Brave : A La Recherche d'Esprit Danseur 2005 65%
Breath of Fire : Dragon Quarter 2003 74%
Britney's Dance Beat Autres 2002 65%
Brothers In Arms : Earned In Blood FPS 2005 71%
Brothers In Arms : Road To Hill 30 FPS 2005 75%
Brunswick Pro Bowling 2007 35%
Buffy Contre Les Vampires : Chaos Bleeds 2003 71%
Bujingai : Swordmaster 2004 70%
Burnout 2001 76%
Burnout 2 : Point of Impact Course 2002 85%
Burnout 3 : Takedown 2004 90%
Burnout : Dominator 2007 76%
Burnout : Revenge 2005 85%
Bust-A-Bloc Casse Briques 2003 N/C
Buzz ! : Le Grand Quiz Quizz Game 2006 69%
Buzz ! : Le Mega Quiz Autres 2007 75%
Buzz ! Junior : Les As du Volant 2008 40%
Buzz ! Junior : Les petits Monstres 2007 48%
Buzz ! Junior : Robots en folie 2007 55%
Buzz ! Junior : Singes En Delire 2006 48%
Buzz ! Le Plus Malin des Français 2009 60%
Buzz ! Le Quiz Du Sport 2006 60%
Buzz ! Le Quiz Pop 2008 63%
Buzz ! The Hollywood Quiz 2007 65%
Buzz ! The Music Quiz Autres 2005 62%
BYW : Don't Try This At Home 2003 40%
Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2005 Adventures 2004 15%
Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2004 15%
Call of Duty 2 : Big Red One 2005 83%
Call of Duty 3 : En Marche Vers Paris FPS 2006 76%
Call of Duty : Le jour de gloire 2004 64%
Call of Duty : World at War - Final Fronts 2008 50%
Canis Canem Edit 2006 88%
Capcom Classics Collection Compilation 2005 72%
Capcom Classics Collection Volume 2 Compilation 2007 64%
Capcom Fighting Jam 2005 50%
Capcom vs. SNK 2 : Mark of the Millennium 2001 2001 78%
Carmen Sandiego : Le Secret Des Tam-Tams Voles 2004 47%
Cars 2006 69%
Cars : La Coupe Internationale de Martin 2007 48%
Cart Fury Championship Racing 2001 57%
Cartoon Network Racing 2006 35%
Casper : Spirit Dimensions 2002 66%
Castlevania Aventure 2004 82%
Castlevania : Curse of Darkness 2006 82%
Castleween Plates-formes 2002 53%
Catwoman 2004 34%
Catz 2007 N/C
Cel Damage Overdrive 2003 65%
Celebrity Deathmatch 2003 30%
Champions : Return To Arms 2005 76%
Champions of Norrath 2004 86%
Chaos Legion 2003 63%
Charlie et la chocolaterie 2005 42%
Charlie's Angels : Les Anges Se Dechainent 2003 25%
Chess Challenger 2003 30%
Chessmaster 2003 79%
Chicken Little 2005 65%
Chicken Little : Aventures Intergalactiques 2006 55%
Circus Maximus : Chariot Wars 2002 N/C
City Crisis Simulation 2001 57%
City Soccer Challenge 2006 5%
Clock Tower 3 2003 68%
Club Football 2003 63%
Club Football 2005 Sport 2004 44%
Cocoto Fishing Master Autres 2006 50%
Cocoto Funfair Course 2006 50%
Cocoto Platform Jumper Plates-formes 2004 60%
Code Lyoko : Plongez vers l'infini 2008 60%
Codename : Kids Next Door Operation :... Plates-formes 2005 35%
Cold Fear 2005 69%
Cold Winter 2005 78%
Colin McRae Rally 04 2003 85%
Colin McRae Rally 2005 2004 75%
Colin McRae Rally 3 2002 77%
Colosseum : Road To Freedom 2005 60%
Commandos 2 : Men of Courage 2002 65%
Commandos Strike Force 2006 55%
Conflict : Desert Storm 2002 68%
Conflict : Desert Storm 2 2003 72%
Conflict : Global Storm 2005 59%
Conflict : Vietnam 2004 54%
Conflict Zone 2002 65%
Conspiracy : Armes de Destruction Massive 2005 15%
Constantine 2005 70%
Contra : Shattered Soldier 2003 77%
Coupe du monde de la FIFA 2006 2006 68%
Coupe du Monde FIFA 2002 2002 73%
Crash 'n' Burn 2004 54%
Crash : Génération Mutant Plates-formes 2008 58%
Crash Bandicoot : La Vengeance de Cortex Plates-formes 2001 58%
Crash Nitro Kart 2003 62%
Crash of the Titans Plates-formes 2007 65%
Crash Tag Team Racing 2005 75%
Crash Twinsanity Plates-formes 2004 N/C
Crashed Course 2002 N/C
Crazy Bump's : Kattobi Car Battle n/c N/C
Crazy Chicken X 2007 N/C
Crazy Frog Racer 2006 13%
Crazy Frog Racer 2 2006 20%
Crazy Taxi 2001 N/C
Crime Life : Gang Wars 2005 28%
Crimson Sea 2 2004 70%
Crimson Tears 2004 61%
Crisis Zone 2004 59%
Crisis Zone : w/GunCon 2004 N/C
Croque Canards 2003 50%
Crusty Demons 2006 40%
CT Special Forces : Fire for effect 2005 45%
Cy Girls 2004 50%
Da Vinci Code 2006 46%
Daito Giken Koushiki Pachi-Slot Simulator... Casino 2004 N/C
Dakar 2 Course 2003 55%
Dance Europe Autres 2003 63%
Dance Europe : Nouvelle Compil Autres 2004 60%
Dance Factory Musique 2006 32%
Dancing Stage SuperNova 2 Musique 2008 N/C
Dark Angel 2003 43%
Dark Chronicle Jeu de Rôle 2003 93%
Dark Cloud 2001 87%
Darkwatch 2005 63%
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 Sport 2001 70%
David Beckham Soccer 2002 35%
David Douillet Judo 2006 50%
Dead Or Alive 2 2000 84%
Dead to Rights 2003 72%
Dead to Rights 2 2005 55%
Deadly Skies III Action 2004 64%
Deadly strike 2005 80%
Deamon Summoner FPS 2006 N/C
Death by Degrees 2005 51%
Deep Water 2005 5%
Def Jam Fight For NY 2004 85%
Def Jam Vendetta 2003 74%
Defender 2003 63%
Delta Force : Black Hawk Down 2005 40%
Delta Force : Black Hawk Down : Team Sabre 2006 35%
Demon Chaos 2007 45%
Destroy All Humans ! 2005 67%
Destroy All Humans! 2 2006 69%
Destruction Derby Arenas 2004 54%
Detonator 2004 N/C
Deus Ex 2002 80%
Devil Kings 2006 65%
Devil May Cry 2001 90%
Devil May Cry 2 2003 72%
Devil May Cry 3 2005 88%
Devil May Cry 3 : Special Edition Action 2006 85%
Die Hard : Vendetta 2003 50%
Digimon Rumble Arena 2 2004 70%
Dino Stalker Course 2002 62%
Dinosaur Adventures 2005 N/C
Dirge of Cerberus : Final Fantasy VII 2006 55%
Dirt Track Devils 2003 25%
Disgaea 2 : Cursed Memories 2006 83%
Disgaea : Hour Of Darkness 2004 88%
Disney Donald "Cou@k" Att@k?*! Plates-formes 2014 90%
Disney Golf 2002 53%
Disney Move Autres 2004 53%
Disney Th!nk Fast 2009 70%
Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure 2003 68%
DJ Decks & FX : Radio FG Autres 2004 50%
DJ Hero Musique 2009 85%
DNA : Dark Native Apostle 2002 40%
Dodgeball 2005 20%
Dodonpachi Dai-OuJou n/c N/C
Dog's Life 2003 75%
Dogz 2007 35%
Donald : Qui est PK ? Plates-formes 2002 78%
Dora L'Exploratrice : Voyage Sur La Planete... Educatif 2005 50%
Dot Hack : Infection 2004 80%
Dot Hack : Mutation 2004 70%
Dot Hack : Outbreak Part 3 Jeu de Rôle 2004 72%
Dot Hack : Quarantine 2004 62%
Downforce 2003 65%
Downhill Domination 2004 71%
Downtown Run 2003 48%
Dr. Muto Plates-formes 2003 65%
Dragon Ball Z : Budokai Tenkaichi Combat 2005 80%
Dragon Ball Z : Budokai Tenkaichi 2 2006 85%
Dragon Ball Z : Budokai Tenkaichi 3 2007 79%
Dragon Ball Z : Infinite World 2009 50%
Dragon Ball Z : Sagas n/c 35%
Dragon Ball Z Budokai 2002 74%
Dragon Ball Z Budokai 2 2003 72%
Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 2004 87%
Dragon Quest : L'Odyssée du Roi Maudit 2006 89%
Dragon Rage 2002 47%
Dragon's Lair 3D Action 2004 60%
Drakan 2002 79%
Drakengard Jeu de Rôle 2004 70%
Drakengard 2 2006 66%
DRIV3R Action 2004 69%
Driven 2003 27%
Driven to Destruction 2004 48%
Driver Parallel Lines Action 2006 64%
Driving Emotion Type-S 2001 67%
Drome Racers 2002 57%
Dropship 2002 77%
DT Racer 2006 22%
Duel Masters 2004 67%
Dynasty Tactics 2002 79%
Dynasty Tactics 2 2003 82%
Dynasty Warriors 2 2000 64%
Dynasty Warriors 3 2002 73%
Dynasty Warriors 3 : Xtreme Legends 2003 84%
Dynasty Warriors 4 2003 83%
Dynasty Warriors 4 : Xtreme Legends 2004 65%
Dynasty Warriors 4 Empires Stratégie 2004 68%
Dynasty Warriors 5 Stratégie 2005 76%
Dynasty Warriors 5 : Empires 2006 75%
Dynasty Warriors 5 : Xtreme Legends 2006 73%
Dynasty Warriors 6 n/c 38%
EA Sports Rugby 2001 72%
Ecco The Dolphin 2002 74%
Echo Night Beyond 2005 63%
Ed Edd'n Eddy : The Mis-Edventures 2006 40%
Ejay Clubworld Autres 2002 70%
Endgame Course 2002 52%
Energy AirForce 2003 53%
Energy AirForce Aim Strike 2004 43%
Enter the Matrix 2003 62%
Enthusia Professional Racing 2005 59%
Ephemeral Fantasia 2001 45%
Eragon 2006 47%
Escape From Monkey Island 2001 84%
Espgaluda n/c N/C
ESPN International Track & Field Sport 2000 N/C
ESPN International Winter Sports 2002 2002 53%
ESPN NBA 2 Night 2001 65%
ESPN NBA 2 Night 2002 2002 48%
ESPN NBA 2K5 2005 78%
ESPN NBA Basketball 2003 88%
ESPN NFL 2K5 2005 83%
ESPN NFL Football 2003 84%
ESPN NHL 2K5 2005 83%
ESPN NHL Hockey 2003 85%
ESPN Winter X-Games Snowboarding 2001 75%
ESPN X Games Skateboarding 2002 52%
Eternal Quest 2004 5%
Eternal Ring 2001 76%
Euro Rally Champion Course 2005 N/C
Eve of Extinction 2002 49%
Everblue 2002 35%
Everblue 2 2003 57%
Evergrace 2001 60%
EverQuest Online Adventures 2003 69%
Everybody's Golf 2005 88%
Everybody's Tennis 2007 70%
Evil Dead : A Fistful Of Boomstick 2003 57%
Evil Dead Regeneration 2005 55%
Evil Twin : Cyprien's Chronicles Plates-formes 2001 80%
Evolution GT 2006 40%
Evolution Skateboarding 2003 45%
Evolution Snowboarding 2003 40%
Extermination 2001 78%
Extreme G 3 2001 70%
ExZeus 2004 30%
EyeToy : Antigrav Autres 2005 70%
EyeToy : Groove Autres 2003 70%
EyeToy : Kinetic Autres 2005 75%
EyeToy : Kinetic Combat Autres 2006 40%
EyeToy : Monkey Mania Autres 2005 53%
EyeToy : Play Autres 2003 75%
EyeToy : Play 2 2004 75%
EyeToy : Play 3 Autres 2005 67%
EyeToy : Play Astro Zoo 2007 50%
EyeToy : Play Sports Autres 2006 50%
F.C. Manager 2006 2005 57%
F.C. Manager 2007 2006 42%
F1 2001 Course 2001 83%
F1 2002 2002 75%
F1 Career Challenge 2003 75%
F1 Championship Saison 2000 2001 85%
F1 Racing Championship 2001 78%
F355 Challenge 2002 70%
Fahrenheit 2005 85%
Fallout : Brotherhood of Steel 2004 55%
Fantavision 2000 48%
Fatal Fury : Battle Archives Volume 1 Compilation 2008 55%
Fate/unlimited Codes Combat n/c N/C
Fate/Unlimited Codes : SP Box Combat n/c N/C
FIFA 06 2005 84%
FIFA 07 2006 78%
FIFA 08 2007 70%
FIFA 09 2008 63%
FIFA 10 2009 60%
FIFA 11 2010 N/C
FIFA 12 2011 50%
FIFA 13 2012 N/C
FIFA 14 2013 N/C
FIFA 2001 2000 83%
FIFA 2002 2001 80%
FIFA 2003 2002 82%
FIFA 2005 2004 75%
FIFA Football 2004 2003 82%
FIFA Street 2005 66%
FIFA Street 2 2006 76%
Fight Club 2004 30%
Fight Night 2004 2004 84%
Fight Night : Round 2 Sport 2005 82%
Fight Night : Round 3 2006 75%
Fighting Fury 2003 30%
Final Armada 2007 35%
Final Fantasy X Jeu de Rôle 2002 96%
Final Fantasy X-2 2004 79%
Final Fantasy XII 2007 91%
Final Fight : Streetwise 2006 34%
Fire Heroes 2005 50%
Fireblade 2002 69%
Firefighter F.D.18 2004 66%
Fisherman's Challenge Autres 2003 60%
Fisherman's Bass Club n/c N/C
Fishing Fantasy Autres 2005 25%
Flat Out 2004 70%
Flat Out 2 2006 73%
Flipnic Autres 2004 45%
FLOW : Urban Dance Uprising Autres 2005 50%
Forbidden Siren Survival-horror 2004 82%
Forbidden Siren 2 2006 74%
Ford Mustang : The Legend Lives 2005 43%
Ford Racing 2 2003 69%
Ford Racing 3 2005 50%
Ford Street Racing 2006 38%
Forgotten Realms : Demon Stone Action 2004 77%
Formula Challenge 2004 10%
Formula One 05 2005 54%
Formula One 06 2006 59%
Formula One 2001 2001 65%
Formula One 2002 2002 55%
Formula One 2003 Course 2003 63%
Formula One 2004 2004 58%
Fourmiz Extreme Racing 2002 50%
Frank Herbert's Dune 2002 58%
Franklin : Un Anniversaire Surprise Plates-formes 2006 55%
Freak Out Plates-formes 2001 55%
Freak Out : Extreme Freeride 2007 55%
Freaky Flyers 2003 59%
Free Running 2007 38%
Freedom Fighters 2003 82%
Freekstyle 2002 75%
Freestyle Metal X 2003 70%
Frequency 2002 79%
Friends : Celui Qui Repond A Toutes Les Questions 2006 35%
Frogger : The Great Quest 2002 30%
Full Spectrum Warrior 2005 70%
Full Spectrum Warrior : Ten Hammers 2006 73%
Fur Fighters : Viggo's Revenge Action 2001 65%
Furry Tales 2005 60%
Futurama 2003 50%
Future Tactics : The Uprising 2004 59%
G-Force 2006 15%
G-Surfers 2002 40%
G.I. Joe : Le Réveil du Cobra 2009 40%
G1 Jockey 2002 75%
G1 Jockey 4 2006 49%
Gadget & Gadgetinis 2004 35%
Galerians : ASH 2003 52%
Gang De Requins 2004 70%
Garfield Action 2004 47%
Garfield 2 Plates-formes 2006 40%
Gauntlet : Dark Legacy 2001 58%
Gauntlet : Seven Sorrows 2006 59%
Gene Troopers 2006 15%
Genji 2005 81%
George De La Jungle 2008 28%
Georges Le Petit Curieux 2007 55%
Get On Da Mic Musique 2004 40%
Ghost in the Shell : Stand Alone Complex 2005 66%
Ghost Master 2005 33%
Ghost Rider 2007 59%
Ghost Vibration 2003 18%
Ghosthunter 2003 84%
Giants : Citizen Kabuto Action 2002 77%
Gift Plates-formes 2001 75%
Gigawing Generations 2006 35%
GIGN Anti-Terror Force 2005 15%
Gitaroo Man Autres 2002 80%
Gladiator : Sword of Vengeance 2003 51%
Gladius 2003 90%
Glass Rose 2004 50%
Go Go Golf 2003 10%
Goblin Commander : Unleash The Horde 2004 64%
God Hand 2007 69%
God of War Beat\'em\'All 2005 95%
God of War II : Divine Retribution 2005 90%
God of War II : Special Edition Aventure 2007 N/C
Godzilla : Save the Earth 2004 46%
Godzilla Unleashed 2008 40%
GoldenEye : Au service du Mal 2004 51%
Gradius 3 And 4 2001 53%
Gradius 5 2004 79%
Graffiti Kingdom 2005 60%
Gran Turismo 3 : the Real Driving Simulator -... Course 2001 90%
Gran Turismo 4 2005 91%
Gran Turismo 4 Prologue Edition Limitée 2004 N/C
Gran Turismo 4 Prologue 2004 62%
Gran Turismo Concept 2002 Tokyo-Geneva 2002 75%
Grand Prix Challenge 2002 75%
Grand Theft Auto : Liberty City Stories 2006 84%
Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas 2004 94%
Grand Theft Auto : Vice City 2002 90%
Grand Theft Auto : Vice City Stories 2007 70%
Grand Theft Auto III 2001 84%
Grandia II Jeu de Rôle 2002 75%
Gravity Games Bike : Street-Vert-Dirt 2002 30%
Gregory Horror Show 2003 70%
Grim Grimoire 2007 65%
GT Racers 2004 25%
GT-R 400 Course 2004 35%
GTC Africa 2002 58%
Guilty Gear Isuka 2005 59%
Guilty Gear X 2002 85%
Guilty Gear X2 2003 84%
Guitar Hero Rythme 2006 90%
Guitar Hero 2 Musique 2006 85%
Guitar Hero 5 Musique 2009 80%
Guitar Hero : Aerosmith Musique 2008 68%
Guitar Hero : Greatest Hits Compilation 2009 N/C
Guitar Hero : Metallica Musique 2009 70%
Guitar Hero III : Legends of Rock Musique 2007 75%
Guitar Hero Rocks The 80's Musique 2007 54%
Gumball 3000 2002 35%
Gun Aventure 2005 72%
Gunbird Special Edition 2005 52%
Gundam Battle Assault : Federation Vs Zeon 2002 69%
Gunfighter 2 : La Revanche de Jesse James Course 2003 35%
Gungrave 2002 59%
Gungrave Overdose 2005 74%
Gungriffon Blaze 2001 69%
Guy Roux Manager 2002 2002 50%
Half-Life 2001 89%
Hannah Montana : En Tournee Mondiale Musique 2008 60%
Happy Feet 2006 49%
Hard Hitter 2 2003 60%
Hard Rock Casino 2008 50%
Hardware Arena Online 2003 50%
Harley-Davidson : Race To the Rally 2007 40%
Harry Potter : Coupe Du Monde De Quidditch 2003 65%
Harry Potter à l'Ecole des Sorciers 2003 53%
Harry Potter et la Chambre des Secrets Aventure 2002 70%
Harry Potter et la coupe de feu 2005 79%
Harry Potter et le Prisonnier d'Azkaban Aventure 2004 68%
Harry Potter et l'Ordre du Phénix 2007 63%
Harvest Fishing 2005 54%
Harvest Moon : A Wonderful Life 2005 68%
Hasbro : Best of des Jeux en Famille 2008 N/C
Haunting Ground Survival-horror 2005 84%
Haven : Call of the King 2002 67%
Headhunter 2002 80%
Headhunter : Redemption 2004 58%
Heatseeker 2007 64%
Hello Kitty Roller Rescue 2005 43%
Herdy Gerdy Aventure 2002 68%
Heroes Of Might And Magic 2001 52%
Heroes of the Pacific 2005 60%
Heros De La Ligue Des Justiciers 2006 62%
Hidden Invasion 2001 50%
High School Musical : Tous en Scene ! Musique 2007 N/C
History Channel : Battle For The Pacific 2008 45%
Hitman 2 2002 84%
Hitman : Blood Money Action 2006 85%
Hitman : Contracts Action 2004 74%
Hitman Triple Pack Compilation 2007 N/C
Hokuto No Ken Fighting n/c N/C
Homura 2006 85%
Hostile Territory : Smuggler's Run 2 2001 73%
Hot Wheels : Beat That ! 2007 33%
Hot Wheels : World Race 2004 49%
Hot Wheels Stunt Track Challenge 2004 57%
Hugo : Bukkazoom 2003 45%
Hugo : CannonCruise 2004 45%
Hulk 2003 68%
Hunter : The Reckoning Wayward 2003 70%
Hyper Street Fighter 2 2004 52%
Hypersonic Xtreme 2002 45%
I-Ninja 2004 69%
ICO Aventure 2002 87%
Impossible Mission 2007 5%
Indiana Jones et le Sceptre des Rois 2009 43%
Indiana Jones Et Le Tombeau De L'Empereur 2003 70%
IndyCar Series 2003 53%
IndyCar Series 2005 2004 45%
Inspecteur Gadget : L'Invasion Des Robots Mad Plates-formes 2003 40%
Intellivision Lives ! Compilation 2005 45%
International Cue Club 2003 25%
International Golf Pro 2004 40%
International Superstar Soccer 2000 70%
Iridium Runners 2008 55%
Iron Aces 2 2004 30%
Iron Man 2008 40%
Iron Sea 2006 10%
Island Xtreme Stunts 2002 55%
ISS 2 2002 68%
ISS 3 2003 63%
Jackass : The Game 2007 45%
Jacked : La Guerre Des Gangs 2006 45%
Jackie Chan Adventures 2004 43%
Jade Cocoon 2 2002 90%
Jak 3 2004 82%
Jak and Daxter : The Lost Frontier Plates-formes 2009 50%
Jak and Daxter : The Precursor Legacy Plates-formes 2001 87%
Jak II : Hors la loi 2003 82%
Jak X 2005 80%
James Pond 2 : Codename RoboCod Plates-formes 2006 N/C
Jeremy McGrath's Supercross World 2002 47%
Jet Lon GP Course 2002 55%
Jet ski Riders 2001 62%
Jonny Moseley Mad Trix 2002 47%
Judge Dredd vs. Judge Death 2003 49%
Juiced Course 2005 77%
Juiced 2 : Hot Import Nights 2007 66%
Jurassic Park : Operation Genesis Simulation 2003 65%
Just Cause 2006 69%
K-1 Premium Dynamite 2005 45%
K2000 : La Revanche De Kitt 2004 53%
Kaan 2004 38%
Kaido Racer 2005 72%
Kaido Racer 2 2006 35%
Kao The Kangaroo : Round 2 Plates-formes 2005 59%
Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer 2002 78%
Kengo : Master Of Bushido 2001 68%
Kessen 2000 73%
Kessen II 2002 70%
Kessen III 2005 86%
Kidz Sports Basketball 2004 15%
Kill.switch 2004 69%
Killer 7 2005 76%
Killzone 2004 77%
King Kong : The Official Game of the Movie FPS 2005 77%
King of Clubs 2007 45%
King of Colosseum Red : Shin Nippon x Zen Nippon... Combat n/c N/C
King of Fighters : Maximum Impact Combat 2005 59%
King of Fighters : Maximum Impact 2 Combat 2007 55%
King of Fighters : Maximum Impact Edition... Combat 2005 N/C
King's Field 4 2003 14%
Kingdom Hearts 2002 83%
Kingdom Hearts 2 2006 86%
Klonoa 2 Plates-formes 2001 83%
Knight Rider : The Game 2002 10%
Knights of the Temple 2004 52%
Knights of the Temple 2 2006 50%
Knockout Kings 2001 2001 64%
Knockout Kings 2002 2002 78%
KoF'02 Be the Fighter! 2005 78%
Kung Fu Panda 2008 68%
Kuon 2005 60%
Kuri Kuri Mix Plates-formes 2003 60%
Kya : Dark Lineage 2003 73%
L'Age de Glace 2 Plates-formes 2006 60%
L'Age de Glace 3 : Le Temps des Dinosaures Aventure 2009 65%
L'Entraineur 2006 2006 40%
L'Entraîneur 2007 2007 55%
L'Entraineur 5 : Saison 04/05 2005 35%
L'Etrange Noël de M. Jack : La Revanche d'Oogie 2005 60%
L'Ombre De Zorro 2001 53%
L.A. Rush 2005 50%
La Ferme en Folie Aventure 2007 65%
La Grande Evasion 2003 40%
La Legende de Spyro : Naissance d'un Dragon 2008 70%
La Légende Du Dragon 2007 30%
La Momie 2004 50%
La Momie : La Tombe de l'Empereur Dragon 2008 45%
La Planète au Trésor 2002 58%
La Pucelle : Tactics 2005 74%
La Somme de Toutes Les Peurs 2002 48%
Lake Masters EX 2002 44%
Largo Winch : Aller simple pour les Balkans 2002 48%
Le Challenge Equestre De Lucinda Green 2007 40%
Le Chat Chapeaute Plates-formes 2004 60%
Le Coffret De Jeux De Societe Familial 2008 45%
Le Livre De La Jungle : Groove Party Musique 2001 65%
Le maillon faible 2002 55%
Le Manoir Hanté 2004 50%
Le Mans 24 Heures 2001 75%
Le Monde de Narnia - Chapitre 1 Action 2005 70%
Le Monde de Narnia : Chapitre 2 : Le Prince... 2008 60%
Le Monde De Nemo 2003 55%
Le Monde Des Bleus 2002 2001 65%
Le Monde des Bleus 2003 : Un nouveau défi 2002 58%
Le Monde des Bleus 2005 2004 33%
Le Monde Des Bleus Nouvelle Generation 2004 30%
Le Parrain Action 2006 69%
Le Pole Express 2004 49%
Le Retour De La Momie 2001 50%
Le Roi Arthur 2005 49%
Le Roi Scorpion : L'ascension de l'Akkadien 2002 44%
Le Seigneur des Anneaux : La Communaute De... 2002 65%
Le Seigneur des Anneaux : La Quête... 2010 50%
Le Seigneur des Anneaux : Le Retour du Roi Action 2003 87%
Le Seigneur des Anneaux : Le Tiers Age Jeu de Rôle 2004 80%
Le Seigneur des Anneaux : Les Deux Tours Action 2002 80%
Le Tour de France 2002 70%
Leaderboard Golf 2006 N/C
Legacy of Kain : Defiance 2004 63%
Legaia 2 : Duel Saga 2002 67%
Legend of Camelot N/C 2007 N/C
Legend Of Kay 2005 79%
Legend of Spyro, The Eternal Night 2007 25%
Legends of Wrestling 2002 38%
Legends Of Wrestling 2 2003 55%
Legends Of Wrestling : Showdown 2004 55%
Legion : The Legend of Excalibur 2002 47%
LEGO Batman : Le Jeu Video 2008 73%
Lego Indiana Jones : La Trilogie Originale 2008 75%
Lego Star Wars 2005 77%
Lego Star Wars 2 : La Trilogie Originale 2006 75%
Leisure Suit Larry : Magna Cum Laude 2004 35%
Lemmings 2006 80%
Les 4 Fantastiques 2005 37%
Les 4 Fantastiques et le Surfer D'Argent 2007 35%
Les Animaniacs 2005 38%
Les Aventures De Porcinet 2003 55%
Les Chevaliers de Baphomet : Le Manuscrit De... Aventure 2003 75%
Les Chimpanzes de l'Espace Plates-formes 2008 20%
Les Chroniques De Spiderwick 2008 52%
Les Désastreuses Aventures des Orphelins... 2004 73%
Les Dents de la mer 2006 75%
Les Experts : Las Vegas - Crimes en série 2007 N/C
Les fous du volant : Les engins zinzins Course 2007 N/C
Les Griffin 2007 52%
Les Indestructibles 2004 54%
Les Indestructibles : La Terrible Attaque du... 2005 50%
Les Looney Tunes Passent A L'Action Plates-formes 2003 53%
Les Pierrafeu A Rock Vegas 2003 25%
Les Rebelles De La Foret 2006 55%
Les Rois de la Glisse 2007 55%
Les Simpsons : Le Jeu 2007 54%
Les Sims 2003 75%
Les Sims 2 Gestion 2005 75%
Les Sims 2 : Animaux & Cie 2006 54%
Les Sims 2 : Naufragés Gestion 2007 64%
Les Sims : Permis de Sortir Gestion 2003 75%
Les Sopranos : Road To Respect 2007 38%
Les URBZ 2004 55%
Let's Make a Soccer Team 2006 43%
Lethal Skies 2002 65%
Lethal Skies 2 2004 68%
LFP Manager 2004 2003 63%
LFP Manager 2005 2004 62%
London Cab Challenge 2006 5%
London Taxi : Rushour Course 2006 N/C
Looney Tunes ACME Arsenal Action 2007 N/C
Lotus Challenge 2001 45%
Lucas Fourmi Malgre Lui 2006 52%
Lumines Plus Puzzle game 2007 69%
Luxor Pharaoh's Challenge Puzzle game 2008 48%
Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter 2003 71%
Mad Maestro Autres 2002 68%
Madagascar Plates-formes 2005 57%
Madagascar 2 2008 55%
Madden NFL 06 2005 82%
Madden NFL 07 2006 82%
Madden NFL 08 2007 78%
Madden NFL 2001 2000 87%
Madden NFL 2002 2001 85%
Madden NFL 2003 2002 87%
Madden NFL 2004 2003 88%
Madden NFL 2005 2004 88%
Made Man 2006 29%
Mafia 2004 62%
Magna Carta : Les larmes de sang Jeu de Rôle 2006 75%
Makai Kingdom : Chronicles of the Sacred Tome 2005 77%
Maken Shao : Demon Sword 2003 45%
Malice Plates-formes 2004 49%
Manhunt 2003 76%
Manhunt 2 2008 60%
Marc Ecko's Getting Up : Contents Under Pressure 2006 60%
Mark Davis Pro Bass Challenge Autres 2004 45%
Marvel Nemesis : L'Avènement des Imparfaits 2005 48%
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2006 77%
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 2009 N/C
Marvel vs Capcom 2 Combat 2002 79%
Mashed 2004 67%
Mashed : Fully Loaded 2005 65%
Master Chess 2004 40%
Master Rallye Course 2002 N/C
Masters of The Universe He-Man : Defender Of... Aventure 2005 43%
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 2002 70%
Max Payne 2002 77%
Max Payne 2 : The Fall of Max Payne 2004 65%
Maxi Quiz Du Foot Francais 2006 15%
Maximo Action 2002 82%
Maximo Vs. Army of Zin 2004 86%
Maze Action 2004 5%
McFarlane's Evil Prophecy 2004 33%
MDK 2 Armageddon 2001 74%
Medal of Honor : Avant-Garde FPS 2007 57%
Medal of Honor : En première ligne 2002 83%
Medal of Honor : Les Faucons de Guerre FPS 2005 67%
Medal of Honor : Soleil Levant FPS 2003 64%
Mega Man Anniversary Collection Compilation 2004 N/C
Mega Man X7 2004 56%
Mega Man X8 2005 58%
Megaman X Command Mission 2004 77%
Megarace 3 2001 45%
Men In Black 2 : Alien Escape 2002 61%
Mercenaries 2005 86%
Mercenaries 2 : L'Enfer des Favelas 2008 35%
Mercury Meltdown Remix Puzzle game 2006 67%
Metal Arms : Glitch in the System 2003 77%
Metal Gear Solid 2 : Sons of Liberty Infiltration 2002 91%
Metal Gear Solid 2 : Substance Infiltration 2003 83%
Metal Gear Solid 3 : Snake Eater Infiltration 2005 93%
Metal Gear Solid 3 : Snake Eater Edition... Infiltration 2005 N/C
Metal Gear Solid 3 : Subsistence Infiltration 2006 95%
Metal Slug 3 2004 72%
Metal Slug 4 2005 65%
Metal Slug 5 2006 52%
Metal Slug Anthology Compilation 2007 84%
Miami Vice Action 2004 45%
Michigan : Report From Hell 2005 40%
MicroMachines 2002 55%
MicroMachines V4 2006 62%
Midnight Club 2 2003 77%
Midnight Club 3 : DUB Edition 2005 75%
Midnight Club 3 : DUB Edition Remix Course 2006 72%
Midnight Club : Street Racing 2000 61%
Midway Arcade Treasures Compilation 2004 N/C
Midway Arcade Treasures 2 Compilation 2004 67%
Midway Arcade Treasures 3 Compilation 2006 62%
Mike Tyson Heavyweight Boxing 2002 46%
Mini Desktop Racing Course 2005 N/C
Minority Report 2003 47%
Mission G 2009 60%
Mission Impossible : Operation Surma 2003 74%
Mobile Light Force 2 2004 53%
Mobile Suit Gundam : Federation Vs. Zeon 2002 61%
Moi, Moche et Méchant 2010 55%
Mojib-Ribbon Musique n/c N/C
Mojo ! Puzzle game 2004 54%
Monopoly : Editions Classique et Monde 2008 43%
Monopoly Party 2003 43%
Monster House 2006 59%
Monster Hunter 2005 79%
Monster Jam 2008 35%
Monster Lab 2008 70%
Monstres & Cie : L'île de... 2002 60%
Mortal Kombat : Armageddon 2006 77%
Mortal Kombat : Deadly Alliance 2003 79%
Mortal Kombat : Mystification 2004 79%
Mortal Kombat : Shaolin Monks 2005 69%
Most Wanted 2004 35%
Moto GP 2001 74%
Moto GP 2 2002 80%
Moto GP 3 2003 74%
Motocross Mania 3 2005 40%
MotoGP 07 2007 80%
MotoGP 08 Course 2008 65%
MotoGP 4 : Official Game of MotoGP 2005 69%
Motor Mayhem Action 2001 N/C
Motorbike King 2005 20%
Motorsiege : Warriors Of Primetime 2003 45%
MotorStorm : Arctic Edge 2009 75%
Mountain Bike Adrenaline Featuring Salomon 2007 26%
Mouse Trophy 2004 30%
Mr Golf 2003 50%
Mr. Moskeeto 2002 67%
MTV Celebrity Deathmatch 2003 34%
MTV Music Generator 2 Musique 2001 63%
MTV Music Generator 3 Musique 2004 75%
MTX : Mototrax 2004 76%
Musashi : Samurai Legend 2005 60%
Music 3000 Musique 2003 70%
MX 2002 Featuring Ricky Carmichael 2001 73%
MX Rider 2001 65%
MX Superfly 2002 79%
MX Unleashed 2004 72%
MX vs ATV : Extreme Limite 2008 55%
MX Vs ATV Unleashed 2005 75%
MX World Tour 2007 49%
My Street 2003 54%
Myst 3 : Exile 2002 55%
Mystic Heroes 2003 68%
Myth Makers : Super Kart GP 2003 15%
Namco Museum 50th Anniversary Compilation 2006 45%
Nanobreaker 2005 53%
Naruto : Ultimate Ninja 2006 74%
Naruto : Ultimate Ninja 2 2007 75%
Naruto : Ultimate Ninja 3 2008 77%
Naruto : Uzumaki Chronicles 2007 73%
Naruto : Uzumaki Chronicles 2 2008 51%
Naruto Shippuden : Ultimate Ninja 4 2009 65%
Naruto Shippuden : Ultimate Ninja 5 2009 75%
NBA 08 2008 53%
NBA 2K11 2010 60%
NBA 2K2 2002 88%
NBA 2K3 2003 85%
NBA 2K6 2006 72%
NBA 2K7 2006 82%
NBA 2K8 2007 78%
NBA 2K9 2008 75%
NBA Ballers 2004 75%
NBA Hoopz 2000 50%
NBA Jam 2004 2003 60%
NBA Live 06 2005 79%
NBA Live 07 2006 60%
NBA Live 08 2007 64%
NBA Live 09 2008 60%
NBA Live 2001 2001 77%
NBA Live 2002 2001 70%
NBA Live 2003 2002 82%
NBA Live 2004 2003 79%
NBA Live 2005 2004 85%
NBA Street 2001 88%
NBA Street V3 Sport 2005 82%
NBA Street Vol. 2 2003 87%
Need for Speed : Carbon Course 2006 77%
Need for Speed : Carbon - Edition Collector Course 2006 80%
Need for Speed : Poursuite Infernale 2 2002 84%
Need for Speed Most Wanted 2005 82%
Need for Speed Most Wanted Black Edition 2005 N/C
Need for Speed Pro Street 2007 70%
Need for Speed Undercover 2008 65%
Need for Speed Underground 2003 79%
Need for Speed Underground 2 2004 79%
NEO Contra 2005 70%
NeoGeo Battle Coliseum Combat 2006 74%
New York Race 2001 60%
NFL 2K3 2003 90%
NFL Street 2004 77%
NFL Street 3 2007 75%
NHL 06 2005 77%
NHL 07 2006 83%
NHL 08 2007 65%
NHL 2001 2000 78%
NHL 2002 2001 87%
NHL 2003 2002 70%
NHL 2004 2003 85%
NHL 2005 2004 78%
NHL 2K3 2003 82%
NHL 2K6 2006 82%
NHL 2K7 2006 84%
NHL 2K8 2007 69%
NHL 2K9 2008 N/C
NHL Hitz 2003 2002 77%
NHL Hitz Pro 2003 79%
NiGHTS Into Dreams ... n/c 80%
NiGHTS Into Dreams... Nightopia Dream Pack n/c N/C
Nightshade 2004 70%
Ninja Assault Course 2002 52%
No One Lives Forever 2002 62%
Nos Voisins Les Hommes 2006 57%
Obscure Survival-horror 2004 73%
Obscure II Survival-horror 2007 52%
Odin Sphere 2008 80%
Off Road 2008 45%
Okami 2007 94%
One Piece : Grand Adventure 2006 62%
One Piece : Grand Battle Combat 2005 73%
One Piece : Round the Land n/c N/C
Oni 2001 74%
Onimusha 2 : Samurai's Destiny 2002 85%
Onimusha 3 : Demon Siege 2004 80%
Onimusha : Blade Warriors 2004 63%
Onimusha : Dawn of Dreams Action 2006 90%
Onimusha : Warlords 2001 80%
Operation Winback 2001 62%
Operation Winback 2 : Project Poseidon 2006 45%
Orphen : L'héritier des Sorciers Jeu de Rôle 2000 58%
Oui-Oui et le Livre Magique 2006 60%
Outlaw Golf 2003 50%
Outlaw Golf 2 2005 70%
Outlaw Volleyball 2004 20%
Outlaw Volleyball Remixed 2005 40%
OutRun 2006 Coast 2 Coast 2006 65%
Pac-Man Rally 2007 48%
Pac-Man World 2 Plates-formes 2003 77%
Pac-Man World 3 2006 63%
Pacific Theater Of Operations 4 2004 50%
Panzer Elite Action : Fields Of Glory 2006 25%
Panzer Front Ausf.B 2005 20%
Paparazzi Autres 2005 20%
Parappa The Rapper 2 Musique 2002 67%
Paris-Dakar Rally 2001 39%
Paris-Marseille Racing 2 2005 30%
Paris-Marseille Racing : Destruction Madness 2005 35%
Paris-Marseille Racing : Edition Tour Du Monde 2003 43%
Paris-Marseille Racing : Police Madness 2005 15%
Party Girls 2005 25%
PDC World Championship Darts 2007 25%
Penny Racers 2002 53%
Perfect Ace 2 : The Championships 2005 15%
Perfect Ace Pro Tournament Tennis 2003 30%
Peter Pan : La Legende Du Pays Imaginaire Plates-formes 2002 57%
Petz: Catz 2 n/c N/C
Phantasy Star Universe 2006 59%
Phantasy Star Universe : Ambition Of The... MMORPG 2008 60%
Phantom Brave 2005 82%
Pilot Down : Derriere Les Lignes Ennemies 2005 35%
Pimp My Ride 2007 34%
Pimp My Ride : Street Racing Course 2009 30%
Pinball Fun Autres 2004 13%
Pinball Hall Of Fame Autres 2003 68%
Pink Pong 2005 15%
Pirates : Kat La Rouge 2002 69%
Pirates Des Caraibes : Jusqu'Au Bout Du Monde 2007 44%
Pirates Des Caraibes : La Legende De Jack Sparrow 2006 62%
Pitfall : L'expédition Perdue Plates-formes 2004 71%
Playboy : The Mansion 2005 72%
Police 24/7 Course 2002 40%
Police Chase Down 2004 5%
Pool Paradise 2004 79%
Power Rangers : Dino Tonnerre 2005 45%
Power Rangers ; Super Legends 2007 30%
Powerdrome 2004 50%
Predator : Concrete Jungle 2005 52%
Premier Manager 2003-2004 2004 65%
Premier Manager 2004-2005 2004 30%
Pride Fighting Championships 2003 74%
Primal 2003 78%
Prince of Persia : Les Deux Royaumes 2005 84%
Prince of Persia : Les Sables du Temps 2003 93%
Prince of Persia : L'Ame du Guerrier Action 2004 84%
Prince of Persia Trilogy Compilation 2006 N/C
Prisoner of War 2002 68%
Pro Beach Soccer 2003 23%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2001 82%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2 2002 90%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 2007 71%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 2008 75%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 2009 65%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 2010 60%
Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 2013 N/C
Pro Evolution Soccer 3 2003 87%
Pro Evolution Soccer 4 2004 85%
Pro Evolution Soccer 5 2005 89%
Pro Evolution Soccer 6 2006 92%
Pro Evolution Soccer Management 2006 49%
Pro Rally 2002 2002 43%
Project : Snowblind 2005 73%
Project Eden 2001 74%
Project ZERO Survival-horror 2002 77%
Project Zero 3 : The Tormented 2006 81%
Project ZERO : Série Limitée Survival-horror 2002 N/C
Project Zero II : Crimson Butterfly Survival-horror 2004 80%
ProStroke Golf : World Tour 2007 2006 64%
Psi-Ops 2004 76%
Psychonauts 2006 81%
Psyvariar 2003 53%
Puyo Pop Fever Puzzle game 2004 65%
Puzzle Quest : Challenge of the Warlords Jeu de Rôle 2008 N/C
Q-Ball : Billard Master 2000 60%
Quake 3 Revolution 2001 84%
Qui Veut Gagner Des Millions : Seconde Edition 2002 45%
R : Racing 2004 55%
R-Type Final 2004 75%
Racing Simulation 3 Course 2003 N/C
Radio Helicopter Simulateur de vol 2005 20%
Raging Blades Beat\'em\'All 2003 40%
Raiden 3 2006 62%
Rainbow Six 3 2004 69%
Rainbow Six : Lockdown 2005 60%
Rally Championship 2002 64%
Rally Fusion : Race Of Champions 2003 67%
Rampage : Total Destruction Action 2006 50%
Rapala Pro Fishing Autres 2005 53%
Ratatouille 2007 60%
Ratchet & Clank 2 : Locked & Loaded Plates-formes 2003 86%
Ratchet & Clank Plates-formes 2002 88%
Ratchet & Clank 3 Plates-formes 2004 85%
Ratchet & Clank : La Taille ça Compte Plates-formes 2008 59%
Ratchet : Gladiator Action 2005 80%
Raw Danger 2007 47%
Rayman 3 : Hoodlum Havoc Plates-formes 2003 87%
Rayman Contre Les Lapins Cretins N/C 2006 60%
Rayman M 2001 70%
Rayman Revolution Plates-formes 2000 85%
RC Revenge Pro 2000 59%
RC Sports Copter Challenge Simulateur de vol 2003 45%
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2 2000 75%
Rebel Raiders : Operation Nighthawk 2005 50%
Red Card Soccer 2002 80%
Red Dead Revolver 2004 75%
Red Faction FPS 2001 85%
Red Faction 2 2002 72%
Red Ninja : End Of Honour 2005 49%
Reign Of Fire 2002 52%
Reservoir Dogs 2006 34%
Resident Evil 4 2005 92%
Resident Evil 4 Edition Limitée 2005 N/C
Resident Evil : Code Veronica X 2001 79%
Resident Evil : Dead Aim Course 2003 78%
Resident Evil : Outbreak File 2 2005 68%
Resident Evil Outbreak 2004 71%
Resident Evil Survivor 2 : Code Veronica Course 2002 38%
Return to Castle Wolfenstein : Operation... 2003 64%
Rez 2002 64%
Rhythmic Star Musique 2006 25%
Ribbit King 2004 55%
Richard Burns Rally 2004 62%
Ridge Racer 5 2000 74%
Riding Spirits 2002 64%
Riding Spirits 2 2004 60%
Riding Star : Competitions Equestres 2008 35%
Ring Of Red 2001 78%
Rise to Honour 2004 74%
Risk Global Domination 2004 40%
Road Rage 3 2003 20%
Road Trip Adventure 2003 5%
Robin Hood : Defender Of The Crown 2003 62%
Robocop 2003 25%
Robot Warlords 2002 55%
Robotech : Battlecry 2003 67%
Robotech Invasion 2005 67%
Robots Plates-formes 2005 37%
Rock Band Musique 2008 77%
Rock Band 2 Musique 2009 80%
Rock Man X7 n/c N/C
Rock Man X8 n/c N/C
Rocky 2002 72%
Rocky Legends 2004 63%
Roger Lemerre : La Sélection des Champions 2002 2002 73%
Roger Lemerre : La Sélection des Champions 2003 2002 65%
Roger Lemerre : La Sélection des Champions 2004 2004 70%
Roger Lemerre : La Sélection des Champions 2005 2004 65%
Rogue Galaxy 2007 82%
Rogue Ops 2004 69%
Rogue Trooper 2006 65%
Roland Garros 2002 2002 40%
Roland Garros 2003 2003 50%
Roland Garros 2005 2005 67%
Rollercoaster World 2004 53%
Rolling 2003 28%
Romance Of The Three Kingdoms 8 2004 80%
Room Zoom : Race For Impact 2005 35%
RPM Tuning 2004 36%
RTL Biathlon 2009 2008 55%
RTL Winter Games 2007 2007 60%
RTX Red Rock 2003 50%
Rugby 06 2006 65%
Rugby 08 2007 63%
Rugby 2004 2003 53%
Rugby 2005 2005 63%
Rugby Challenge 2006 2006 65%
Rule Of Rose 2006 60%
Rumble Racing 2001 74%
Rumble Roses 2005 67%
Run Like Hell 2003 58%
Runabout 3 2003 28%
Rune 2001 42%
Rygar : The Legendary Adventure Action 2003 68%
S.L.A.I. : Steel Lancer Arena International 2005 60%
S.O.S. Fantômes : Le Jeu Video Action 2009 55%
S.W.A.T. : Global Strike Team 2003 63%
Saint Seiya : Les Chevaliers du Zodiaque : Hades Action 2006 66%
Saint Seiya : Les Chevaliers du Zodiaque : Le... Action 2005 60%
Sakura Taisen : Atsuki Chishio Ni Tactique n/c N/C
Sakura Taisen V : Episode 0 n/c 60%
Salt Lake City 2002 2002 45%
Samurai Aces 2006 N/C
Samurai Jack : The Shadow of Aku 2004 47%
Samurai Shodown Anthology Compilation 2009 N/C
Samurai Shodown V Combat 2006 49%
Samurai Warriors 2004 63%
Samurai Warriors 2 : Empires 2007 60%
Samurai Warriors : Xtreme Legends 2005 63%
Samurai Western 2005 50%
Satanas Et Diabolo 2001 82%
Savage Skies Shoot\'em\'Up 2004 N/C
SBK - 07 : Superbike World Championship 2007 64%
SBK 08 : Superbike World Championship 2008 60%
SBK 09 : Superbike World Championship 2009 50%
Scaler Plates-formes 2004 50%
SCAR : Squadra Corse Alfa Romeo 2005 57%
Scarface 2006 71%
Scooby-Doo : Démasqué 2005 64%
Scooby-Doo : La Nuit Des 100 Frissons Plates-formes 2002 67%
Scooby-Doo : le Livre des Ténèbres 2004 50%
Scooby-Doo! Opération Chocottes 2009 50%
Search & Destroy 2006 10%
Second Sight 2004 78%
Secret Weapons Over Normandy 2003 60%
Seek And Destroy 2003 35%
Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 19 : Fighting Vipers Combat n/c 80%
Sega Classics Collection Compilation 2006 40%
Sega Mega Drive Collection Compilation 2006 78%
Sega Soccer Slam 2002 64%
SEGA SuperStars Compilation 2004 65%
Sega Superstars Tennis 2008 64%
Sengoku Anthology 2009 N/C
Sengoku Musou 2 2006 N/C
Sensible Soccer 2006 2006 40%
Serious Sam : Next Encounter 2004 64%
Seven Samurai 20XX 2004 44%
Shadow Hearts 2002 83%
Shadow Hearts : Covenant 2005 84%
Shadow Hearts : From The New World 2007 78%
Shadow Man 2 : 2nd Coming 2002 58%
Shadow of Memories Aventure 2001 69%
Shadow of Rome 2005 77%
Shadow of the Colossus 2006 93%
Shadow the Hedgehog Plates-formes 2005 66%
Shaman King : Power of Spirit 2005 47%
Shamu's Deep Sea Adventures 2006 20%
Shaun Palmer's Pro Snowboarder 2001 62%
Shaun White Snowboarding 2008 80%
ShellShock : Nam '67 2004 56%
Sherif Fais-Moi Peur : Le Retour De General Lee 2004 30%
Shifters 2002 N/C
Shin Megami Tensei : Devil Summoner 2007 82%
Shin Megami Tensei : Digital Devil Saga 2006 78%
Shin Megami Tensei : Digital Devil Saga 2 2007 77%
Shin Megami Tensei : Lucifer's Call 2005 80%
Shin Megami Tensei : Persona 3 2008 84%
Shin Megami Tensei : Persona 4 2009 86%
Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3 : FES 2008 85%
Shin Sangoku Musou 3 n/c N/C
Shin Sangoku Musou 4 n/c N/C
Shinobi 2003 75%
Shinobido : Way Of The Ninja 2006 76%
Shogun's Blade 2005 25%
Shox 2002 87%
Shrek 2 : The Game 2004 55%
Shrek : La Fête Foraine en Délire 2008 25%
Shrek : Super Party 2003 25%
Shrek : SuperSlam 2005 45%
Shrek Le Troisième 2007 N/C
Shrek Smash'N'Crash Racing 2007 55%
Silent Hill 2 2001 90%
Silent Hill 3 2003 83%
Silent Hill 4 : The Room 2004 75%
Silent Hill : Origins Survival-horror 2008 70%
Silent Hill : Shattered Memories 2010 61%
Silent Line : Armored Core 2005 N/C
Silent Scope Tir 2000 54%
Silent Scope 2: Fatal Judgement Tir 2001 65%
Silent Scope 3 Tir 2003 47%
Silpheed : The Lost Planet 2001 64%
Simple 2000 Series Vol. 3 : The Bass Fishing n/c N/C
SingStar Autres 2004 74%
Singstar : ABBA Karaoké 2008 60%
Singstar : Chansons Magiques de Disney Karaoké 2008 60%
Singstar : Legends Karaoké 2006 69%
SingStar : NRJ Music Tour Karaoké 2004 59%
SingStar : Pop Karaoké 2005 49%
Singstar : Pop Hits Karaoké 2007 48%
Singstar : Pop Hits 2 Karaoké 2007 50%
Singstar : Pop Hits 3 Karaoké 2008 44%
Singstar : Pop Hits 4 Karaoké 2008 39%
SingStar : R&B Karaoké 2007 58%
Singstar : Rocks ! Karaoké 2006 57%
SingStar : '80s Karaoké 2005 62%
Ski Racing 2005 2005 60%
Ski Racing 2006 2005 63%
Sky Odyssey Simulateur de vol 2001 78%
Slam Tennis 2002 58%
Sled Storm 2002 74%
Sly 2 : Association de Voleurs Plates-formes 2004 84%
Sly 3 Plates-formes 2005 78%
Sly Raccoon Plates-formes 2003 80%
Smarties Meltdown Plates-formes 2006 50%
Smash Cars 2004 69%
Smash Court Tennis Pro Tournament 2002 79%
Smash Court Tennis Pro Tournament 2 2004 78%
Smuggler's Run 2000 62%
Sniper Elite 2005 65%
SNK Arcade Classics Volume 1 Compilation 2008 60%
SnoCross 2 2008 20%
Soccer Life 2005 48%
Soccer Life 2 2006 47%
Socom 2 : U.S. Navy Seals Action 2004 75%
Socom 3 : U.S. Navy Seals Action 2006 85%
Socom : U.S. Navy Seals Action 2003 80%
Socom : U.S. Navy Seals Combined Assault 2007 70%
Soldier of Fortune 2002 56%
Son of the Lion King 2004 20%
Sonic Gems Collection Compilation 2005 39%
Sonic Heroes 2004 50%
Sonic Mega Collection Plus Compilation 2005 68%
Sonic Riders 2006 52%
Sonic Riders Zero Gravity 2008 47%
Sonic Unleashed : La Malédiction du... 2008 65%
SOS : The Final Escape 2002 70%
Soul Calibur 2 2003 88%
Soul Calibur 3 2005 88%
Soul Nomad & The World Eaters 2008 77%
Soul Reaver 2 2001 84%
Souris City Plates-formes 2006 44%
Space Channel 5 Musique 2002 70%
Space Channel 5 : Part 2 Musique 2003 78%
Space Invaders : Invasion Day 2003 30%
Space Invaders Anniversary 2004 23%
Space Race 2002 59%
Spartan : Total Warrior Action 2005 75%
Spawn Armageddon Beat\'em\'All 2004 62%
Speed Kings 2003 50%
Speed Racer : Le Jeu Video 2008 60%
Sphinx et la malediction de la momie 2004 60%
Spider-Man 2002 78%
Spider-Man 2 2004 69%
Spider-Man 3 2007 43%
Spider-Man : Allie ou Ennemi 2007 65%
Spider-Man : Le Regne des Ombres L'Union Sacree 2008 35%
SpinDrive Ping Pong 2005 28%
Splashdown 2001 80%
Splashdown 2 : Rides Gone Wild 2003 81%
Splatter Master 2005 15%
Sports Challenge : Defi Sports 2008 25%
Sprint Car Challenge 2007 10%
Sprint Cars 2007 55%
Spy Fiction 2004 37%
Spy Hunter 2001 79%
Spy Hunter 2 2004 55%
Spy Hunter : Nowhere To Run 2006 52%
Spy Toy Autres 2005 35%
Spy vs. Spy 2005 35%
Spyro : A Hero's Tail Plates-formes 2004 72%
Spyro : Enter the Dragonfly Plates-formes 2002 61%
SSX 2000 88%
SSX 3 2003 86%
SSX On Tour 2005 85%
SSX Tricky 2001 87%
Star Academy Rythme 2003 55%
Star Ocean : Till the End of Time 2004 81%
Star Trek : Conquest 2008 58%
Star Trek : Encounters 2006 40%
Star Trek : Shattered Universe 2004 40%
Star Trek Voyager : Elite Force 2002 57%
Star Wars : Bounty Hunter Action 2002 67%
Star Wars : Le Pouvoir le la Force 2008 64%
Star Wars : Starfighter 2001 71%
Star Wars : Super Bombad Racing 2001 67%
Star Wars : The Clone Wars 2003 67%
Star Wars Battlefront Action 2004 82%
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Action 2005 81%
Star Wars Episode 3 : La Revanche Des Sith Action 2005 53%
Star Wars Jedi Starfighter Action 2002 79%
Star Wars Racer Revenge 2002 74%
Starsky & Hutch 2003 55%
State of Emergency 2002 82%
State Of Emergency 2 2006 54%
Steambot Chronicles 2007 74%
Steel Dragon EX 2005 85%
Stella Deus : The Gate Of Eternity 2006 73%
Stitch : Experience 626 Plates-formes 2002 70%
Stock Car Speedway 2007 25%
Stolen 2005 52%
Street Fighter Alpha Anthology 2006 81%
Street Fighter EX3 2001 55%
Street Hoops 2002 54%
Street Racing Syndicate 2005 62%
Stuart Little 3 : L'aventure photographique Plates-formes 2005 43%
Stuntman 2002 78%
Stuntman : Ignition 2007 75%
Sub Rebellion 2002 62%
Suikoden IV Aventure 2005 73%
Suikoden Tactics 2006 67%
Suikoden V Aventure 2006 78%
Summer Athletics 2008 55%
Summer Heat Beach Volleyball 2003 60%
Summoner 2001 70%
Summoner 2 2002 81%
Super Bust -A- Move 2 Puzzle game 2002 N/C
Super Bust A Move Puzzle game 2001 59%
Super Dragon Ball Z 2006 68%
Super Farm 2004 50%
Super Fruit Fall Puzzle game 2007 40%
Super Monkey Ball Adventure 2006 39%
Super Monkey Ball Deluxe 2005 72%
Super Trucks 2002 64%
Super-Bikes Riding Challenge 2006 57%
Supercar Street Challenge 2001 35%
Superman : Shadow of Apokolips 2002 50%
Superman Returns 2006 35%
Sur Les Traces Du Baron Rouge 2005 55%
Surfing H3o 2001 34%
SVC Chaos : SNK vs. Capcom 2005 49%
Sword of the Samurai 2003 72%
Swords of Destiny Beat\'em\'All 2006 65%
SX Superstar 2003 65%
SXR : Snow X Racing 2007 55%
Syberia 2003 75%
Syberia 2 2005 72%
Syphon Filter : Dark Mirror Action 2007 44%
Syphon Filter : the Omega Strain 2007 79%
Taito Legends Compilation 2005 78%
Taito Legends 2 Compilation 2006 67%
Tak 2 : Le Sceptre des Rêves 2005 62%
Tak : The Great Juju Challenge 2006 59%
Tak et le Pouvoir de Juju Plates-formes 2004 58%
Tank Elite 2003 10%
Tarzan Freeride Plates-formes 2001 60%
Taxi 3 2003 13%
Taxi Rider 2006 N/C
Taz Wanted Plates-formes 2003 60%
TD Overdrive 2002 73%
Teen Titans 2006 55%
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2004 54%
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 : BattleNexus 2005 N/C
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Mutant Melee 2005 30%
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : The Movie 2007 N/C
Tekken 4 Combat 2002 90%
Tekken 5 Combat 2005 85%
Tekken Tag Tournament Combat 2000 85%
Tenchu : Fatal Shadows 2005 68%
Tenchu : La Colère Divine Aventure 2003 80%
Tengai 2006 N/C
Terminator 3 : Le Soulèvement des Machines 2003 22%
Terminator 3 : Redemption 2004 59%
Terminator : Dawn of Fate 2002 45%
Test Drive : Eve Of Destruction 2004 55%
Test Drive Off-Road Wide Open 2001 52%
Test Drive Unlimited 2007 65%
Tetris Worlds Puzzle game 2002 48%
TH3 PLAN 2006 60%
The Bard's Tale 2005 70%
The Bouncer 2001 54%
The Dog Island 2008 45%
The Fast and the Furious : Tokyo Drift Course 2007 46%
The Getaway 2002 64%
The Getaway : Black Monday 2004 65%
The History Channel : Great Battles of Rome 2007 40%
The Incredible Hulk 2008 39%
The Incredible Hulk : Ultimate Destruction 2005 73%
The King of Fighters '98 : Ultimate Match 2009 90%
The King of Fighters 2000-2001 2004 65%
The King of Fighters 2003 2006 77%
The King of Fighters Collection : The Orochi Saga Compilation 2009 75%
The King of Fighters NeoWave Combat 2006 68%
The King of Fighters XI 2007 85%
The King of Route 66 2003 52%
The Legend Of Spyro : A New Beginning 2006 60%
The Legend Of Spyro : The Eternal Night 2007 45%
The Mark of Kri 2003 82%
The Matrix : Path Of Neo 2005 62%
The Punisher 2005 62%
The Quest for Aladdin's Treasure 2007 N/C
The Red Star 2007 60%
The Seed : Warzone 2004 N/C
The Shield 2007 35%
The Simpsons : Road Rage 2001 58%
The Simpsons Hit & Run 2003 62%
The Simpsons Skateboarding 2003 33%
The Snow Queen Quest 2007 15%
The Suffering 2004 73%
The Suffering : Les liens qui nous unissent 2005 65%
The Sword of Etheria 2006 60%
The Thing 2002 75%
The Warriors 2005 75%
The X-Files : Resist Or Serve 2004 60%
Theme Park World 2000 80%
Thomas & Friends: A Day at the Races Party game 2007 N/C
Thrillville 2006 74%
Thrillville : Le Parc En Folie 2007 70%
Thunderbirds 2007 N/C
Thunderhawk : Operation Phoenix Simulateur de vol 2001 70%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 2005 79%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 2006 74%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 2007 68%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2001 2001 64%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2002 2002 79%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003 2002 83%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 2003 84%
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 2004 83%
Tigre et Dragon 2003 64%
Time Crisis 3 2003 75%
Time Crisis II 2001 77%
TimeSplitters 2000 82%
TimeSplitters 2 2002 93%
TimeSplitters : Future Perfect 2005 86%
Titeuf : Mega Compet' Party game 2004 48%
TMNT : Les Tortues Ninja 2007 53%
TNA Impact 2008 57%
TOCA Race Driver Course 2002 75%
TOCA Race Driver 2 : The Ultimate Racing... Course 2004 76%
TOCA Race Driver 3 Course 2006 78%
Tokobot Plus : Mysteries Of The Karakuri 2007 61%
Tokyo Road Race 2005 30%
Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2001 73%
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell : Chaos Theory 2005 84%
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon FPS 2002 59%
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2 FPS 2004 59%
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon : Jungle Storm FPS 2004 62%
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter FPS 2006 45%
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Infiltration 2003 90%
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell : Double Agent Infiltration 2006 85%
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell : Pandora Tomorrow Infiltration 2004 85%
Tomb Raider : 10th anniversary 2007 87%
Tomb Raider : L'ange des Ténèbres Aventure 2003 60%
Tomb Raider Legend 2006 76%
Tomb Raider Underworld 2009 40%
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland 2005 71%
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam 2007 53%
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 2001 87%
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 2002 89%
Tony Hawk's Project 8 2006 67%
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground 2007 60%
Tony Hawk's Underground 2003 85%
Tony Hawk's Underground 2 2004 84%
Top Gear : Dare Devil Course 2000 28%
Top Gun : Combat Zones 2001 60%
Top Spin 2005 67%
Torino 2006 2006 47%
Total Immersion Racing 2002 60%
Total Overdose 2005 65%
Totally Spies! : Totally Party 2007 35%
Tour De France 2002 70%
Tour De France : Edition Du Centenaire 2003 60%
Tourist Trophy : The Real Driving Simulator 2006 74%
Transformers Action 2004 70%
Transformers : La Revanche 2009 20%
Transformers Le Jeu 2007 53%
Transworld Surf 2002 77%
Trapt 2006 54%
Trivial Pursuit Dejante 2004 20%
True Crime 2003 75%
True Crime : New York City Action 2005 60%
TT Superbikes : Real Road Racing 2005 44%
Tube Mania 2008 70%
Turok Evolution 2002 54%
Twenty 2 Party 2005 10%
Twin Caliber 2002 33%
Twisted Metal : Black Action 2001 65%
Twisted Metal : Black Online Action 2003 79%
Twisted Metal: Head On 2008 80%
Ty 2 : Operation Sauvetage Plates-formes 2004 53%
Ty le tigre de Tasmanie Plates-formes 2002 60%
U-Move Super Sports Autres 2004 70%
UEFA Challenge 2001 45%
UEFA Champions League 2004-2005 2005 42%
UEFA Champions League 2006-2007 2007 67%
UEFA Euro 2004 : Portugal 2004 62%
UEFA Euro 2008 2008 50%
Ultimate Fighting Championship Throwdown 2002 72%
Ultimate Mind Games 2004 40%
Ultimate Pro Pinball 2005 48%
Ultimate Spider-Man 2005 73%
Under the Skin 2004 58%
Underworld : The Eternal War 2004 50%
Unlimited Saga Jeu de Rôle 2003 55%
Unreal Tournament 2001 82%
Urban Chaos : Violence Urbaine 2006 72%
Urban Extreme 2005 N/C
Urban Freestyle Soccer 2003 38%
Urban Reign 2006 61%
USA Racing 2002 20%
V-Rally 3 Course 2002 72%
Valkyrie Profile 2 : Silmeria 2007 80%
Vampire Night Course 2002 78%
Van Helsing 2004 59%
Vexx Plates-formes 2003 61%
Victorious Boxers 2003 62%
Victorious Boxers 2 Fighting Spirit 2005 45%
Vietcong : Purple Haze 2004 47%
Viewtiful Joe Beat\'em\'All 2004 86%
Viewtiful Joe 2 Beat\'em\'All 2005 79%
VIP 2002 50%
Virtua Cop : Elite Edition Course 2002 33%
Virtua Fighter 10th Anniversary 2003 70%
Virtua Fighter 10th Anniversary LIMITED EDITION... Combat 2003 N/C
Virtua Fighter 4 2002 90%
Virtua Fighter 4 : Evolution Combat 2003 82%
Virtua Pro Football 2006 37%
Virtua Tennis 2 2002 84%
Volleyball Challenge 2004 10%
Volleyball Xciting 2004 55%
Volt : Star Malgré Lui Plates-formes 2009 60%
Wakeboarding Unleashed 2003 74%
Wall-E Plates-formes 2008 65%
Wallace & Gromit 2003 55%
Wallace & Gromit : Le Mystere Du Lapin-Garou 2005 45%
War Chess Stratégie 2004 40%
War of the Monsters 2003 72%
Warhammer 40000 : Fire Warrior FPS 2003 56%
Warriors Of Might And Magic 2001 42%
Warriors Orochi 2007 50%
Way of the Samurai 2002 70%
Way of the Samurai 2 2005 64%
WDL Thunder Tanks 2001 62%
WDL Warjetz 2001 47%
We Love Katamari 2006 87%
Whiplash 2004 65%
Whirl Tour 2003 49%
Whiteout 2003 43%
Wild Arms 3 2003 75%
Wild Arms 4 2006 74%
Wild Arms 5 2008 74%
Wild Water Adrenaline Featuring Salomon 2005 30%
Wild Wild Racing 2000 64%
Winnie L'Ourson : A La Recherche Des Souvenirs... 2005 60%
Winter Sports 2007 15%
Winter Sports 2008 : The Ultimate Challenge 2008 60%
Winter Sports 2009 : The Next Challenge 2008 55%
Winx Club Aventure 2006 59%
WipEout Fusion 2002 78%
Wipeout Pulse 2009 60%
Without Warning 2005 35%
Woody Woodpecker Plates-formes 2001 73%
World Championship Cards 2007 N/C
World Championship Poker 2 Jeu de cartes 2007 N/C
World Championship Poker All In 2006 60%
World Championship Pool 2004 2004 70%
World Championship Rugby 2004 45%
World Championship Snooker 2002 2001 70%
World Championship Snooker 2003 2003 73%
World Championship Snooker 2004 2004 73%
World Fighting 2005 20%
World Heroes Anthology Compilation 2008 N/C
World Poker Tour 2006 67%
World Racing 2003 60%
World Racing 2 2006 45%
World Rally Championship 2001 77%
World Rally Championship 3 2003 72%
World Rally Championship 4 2004 80%
World Series of Poker 2006 56%
World Series Of Poker : Tournament Of Champions... 2007 67%
World Snooker Championship 2005 2005 55%
World Snooker Championship 2007 Autres 2007 60%
World Soccer : Winning Eleven 9 n/c N/C
World Soccer Winning Eleven 8 : Liveware... n/c N/C
World War Zero : Iron Storm 2004 62%
Worms 3D 2003 74%
Worms 4 : Mayhem 2005 73%
Worms Blast 2002 63%
Worms Forts : Etat de siège 2004 62%
Wrath Unleashed 2004 61%
WRC 2 Extreme Course 2002 82%
WRC avec Sébastien Loeb - Edition 2005 Course 2005 77%
Wreckless : Missions Yakuza 2002 47%
WTA Tour Tennis 2002 48%
WWE All Stars Combat 2011 N/C
WWE Crush Hour 2003 52%
WWE SmackDown ! Here Comes the Pain 2003 79%
WWE SmackDown ! Vs. RAW 2004 76%
WWE SmackDown ! Vs. RAW 2006 2005 80%
WWE SmackDown ! Vs. RAW 2007 2006 80%
WWE Smackdown : Shut Your Mouth 2002 84%
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2008 2007 N/C
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009 2008 77%
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010 2009 88%
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011 2010 87%
WWF Smackdown : Just Bring It 2001 80%
X-Men 2 : La Vengeance de Wolverine 2003 63%
X-Men : Le Jeu Officiel 2006 62%
X-Men : Legends 2004 72%
X-Men : Next Dimension 2002 50%
X-Men Legends 2 : L'Avènement d'Apocalypse 2005 71%
X-Men Origins : Wolverine 2009 45%
X-squad 2000 58%
X-treme Express 2003 20%
Xenosaga Episode 2 2005 71%
XGRA 2003 64%
Xiaolin Showdown 2007 39%
XII Stag 2004 45%
XIII 2003 74%
XS Junior League Soccer 2004 10%
Xyanide Resurrection 2007 63%
Yakuza 2006 71%
Yakuza 2 2008 77%
Yakuza Fury 2005 15%
Yetisports Arctic Adventures 2005 20%
Ys : The Ark of Napishtim 2005 74%
Yu Yu Hakusho : Dark Tournament 2004 45%
Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monster Colisee 2005 60%
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force Evolution 2007 45%
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists Of The Roses 2004 83%
Zapper Plates-formes 2003 57%
Zathura 2006 37%
Zone Of The Enders Action 2001 81%
Zone of the Enders : The 2nd Runner Action 2003 88%
Zoo Puzzle Puzzle game 2004 40%
- 32X - 3DO - 3DS - Adventure Vision - Amiga - Amiga CD32 - Amstrad-CPC 464 - Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Apple II - Atari 2600 - Atari 5200 - Atari 7800 - Atari ST - Atari XE - CD-i - Channel F - Colecovision - Commodore 64 - DD64 - Dreamcast - DS - e-Reader - Family Computer Disk System - Game and Watch - Game Boy - Game Boy Advance - Game Boy Color - Game Gear - Game Park 32 - GameCube - Gizmondo - GX-4000 - Intellivision - Jaguar - Jaguar CD - Lynx - Mac - Master System - Mega Drive - Genesis - Mega-CD - Sega CD - MSX - N-Gage - Neo Geo - Neo Geo Pocket - Neo Geo Pocket Color - Neo Geo-CD - NES - Famicom - Nintendo 64 - Odyssey - Odyssey2 - PC - PC-Engine CD Rom - PC-Engine Hu-Card - PC-Engine SuperGrafX - Playstation - Pokemon Mini - PS2 - PS3 - PSP - Saturn - SNES - TI-99 4A - TRS-80 - Vectrex - Videopac - Virtual Boy - Wii - Wonderswan - Wonderswan Color - Xbox - Xbox 360