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Nombre de jeux 37
Nombre de scans 162
Revues de presse 5
Note moyenne 13.33
Année de sortie 1983
Génération 0

TOP 10 des Jeux MSX

Penguin Adventure #1 - Penguin Adventure
Antarctic Adventure #2 - Antarctic Adventure
Yie Ar Kung-Fu #3 - Yie Ar Kung-Fu
R-Type #4 - R-Type
Amaurote #5 - Amaurote
MSX - Action
Konami's Ping Pong #6 - Konami's Ping Pong
MSX - Sport
Rastan Saga #7 - Rastan Saga
MSX - Plates-formes
Zaxxon #8 - Zaxxon
MSX - Shoot\'em\'Up
Pitfall ! #9 - Pitfall !
MSX - Action
H.E.R.O #10 - H.E.R.O
MSX - Shoot\'em\'Up

Jeux MSX populaires

007 : The Living Daylights #1 - 007 : The Living Daylights
Donkey Kong #2 - Donkey Kong
MSX - Plates-formes
Pitfall ! #3 - Pitfall !
MSX - Action
Back to the Future #4 - Back to the Future
Columns #5 - Columns
MSX - Puzzle game
Boulder Dash II #6 - Boulder Dash II
Andorogynus #7 - Andorogynus
007 : Licence to Kill #8 - 007 : Licence to Kill
MSX - Action
Galaga #9 - Galaga
1942 #10 - 1942

Tous les Jeux Video MSX

007 : Licence to Kill Action 1989 N/C
007 : The Living Daylights 1987 N/C
10 Yard Fight 1986 N/C
10th Frame Sport 1986 N/C
1942 1987 N/C
4x4 Off-Road Racing 1988 N/C
737 Flight Simulator Simulateur de vol 1984 N/C
Abu Simbel Profanation 1985 N/C
Aleste 2 1989 N/C
Aleste Gaiden 1989 N/C
Alien 8 1987 N/C
Amaurote Action 1987 N/C
Andorogynus 1987 N/C
Antarctic Adventure 1983 85%
Athletic Land 1984 N/C
Back to the Future 1986 N/C
Beamrider 1984 N/C
Billiards 1984 N/C
Boulder Dash II 1985 N/C
Buck Rogers : Planet Of Zoom Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 N/C
Cabbage Patch Kids Aventure 1984 N/C
California Games Sport n/c N/C
Columns Puzzle game n/c N/C
Donkey Kong Plates-formes 1986 N/C
Flicky Action n/c N/C
Galaga 1984 N/C
H.E.R.O Shoot\'em\'Up 1984 N/C
Konami's Ping Pong Sport 1985 N/C
OutRun 1988 N/C
Penguin Adventure 1987 85%
Pitfall ! Action 1984 N/C
R-Type 1988 30%
Rastan Saga Plates-formes 1988 N/C
The 4th Unit 1988 N/C
The 4th Unit 2 1988 N/C
Yie Ar Kung-Fu 1985 67%
Zaxxon Shoot\'em\'Up 1985 N/C
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