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Nombre de jeux 146
Nombre de scans 418
Revues de presse 5
Note moyenne 16.08
Année de sortie 1982
Constructeur Coleco
Génération 2

TOP 10 des Jeux Colecovision

000.Expansion Module #1.000 #1 - 000.Expansion Module #1.000
Colecovision - Accessoire
000.ColecoVision.000 #2 - 000.ColecoVision.000
Colecovision - Communication
Zaxxon #3 - Zaxxon
Colecovision - Shoot\'em\'Up
Tarzan #4 - Tarzan
Colecovision - Action
Q*Bert #5 - Q*Bert
Colecovision - Puzzle game
Jumpman Junior #6 - Jumpman Junior
Colecovision - Plates-formes
Mr. Do ! #7 - Mr. Do !
Colecovision - Action
000.Roller Controller.000 #8 - 000.Roller Controller.000
Colecovision - Accessoire
000.Super Action Controller.000 #9 - 000.Super Action Controller.000
Colecovision - Accessoire
Threshold #10 - Threshold
Colecovision - Shoot\'em\'Up

Jeux Colecovision populaires

Smurf : Paint 'n' Play Workshop #1 - Smurf : Paint 'n' Play Workshop
Colecovision - Educatif
2010 : The Graphic Action Game #2 - 2010 : The Graphic Action Game
Colecovision - Puzzle game
Dr. Seuss's Fix-Up : The Mix-Up Puzzler #3 - Dr. Seuss's Fix-Up : The Mix-Up Puzzler
Colecovision - Puzzle game
The Wizard Of Id's : WizMath - A Math Game For Ages 8 & Up #4 - The Wizard Of Id's : WizMath - A Math Game For Ages 8 & Up
Colecovision - Educatif
Defender #5 - Defender
Colecovision - Shoot\'em\'Up
Squish ' Em Featuring Sam #6 - Squish ' Em Featuring Sam
Colecovision - Action
000.Expansion Module #3 : ADAM - The ColecoVision Family Computer #7 - 000.Expansion Module #3 : ADAM - The ColecoVision Family Computer
Colecovision - Accessoire
Turbo #8 - Turbo
Colecovision - Course
Front Line #9 - Front Line
Colecovision - Shoot\'em\'Up
Bump 'n' Jump #10 - Bump 'n' Jump
Colecovision - Course

Tous les Jeux Video Colecovision

000.ColecoVision.000 Communication 1982 90%
000.Expansion Module #1.000 Accessoire 1982 95%
000.Expansion Module #3 : ADAM - The ColecoVision... Accessoire 1983 N/C
000.Module N°=2 : Module De Pilotage.000 Accessoire 1982 N/C
000.Roller Controller.000 Accessoire 1983 75%
000.Super Action Controller.000 Accessoire 1983 75%
2010 : The Graphic Action Game Puzzle game 1984 N/C
Alcazar : The Forgotten Fortress Aventure 1985 N/C
Alphabet Zoo Educatif 1984 N/C
Antarctic Adventure Action 1984 N/C
Aquattack Shoot\'em\'Up 1984 N/C
Artillery Duel Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 N/C
Astro Invader Homebrew 2005 N/C
B.C. II : Grog's Revenge Course 1984 N/C
BC 's Quest For Tires Course 1983 N/C
Beamrider Action 1983 N/C
Blockade Runner Shoot\'em\'Up 1984 N/C
Boulder Dash Réflexion 1984 N/C
Brain Strainers Educatif 1984 N/C
Buck Rogers : Planet Of Zoom Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 N/C
Bump 'n' Jump Course 1984 N/C
BurgerTime Action 1984 N/C
Cabbage Patch Kids : Adventures In The Park Aventure 1984 N/C
Campaign ' 84 Stratégie 1983 N/C
Carnival Shoot\'em\'Up 1982 N/C
Carol Shaw's River Raid Shoot\'em\'Up 1984 N/C
Centipede Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 N/C
Choplifter ! Action 1984 N/C
Chuck Norris Superkicks Beat\'em\'All 1983 N/C
Congo Bongo Plates-formes 1984 N/C
Cosmic Avenger Shoot\'em\'Up 1982 N/C
Cosmic Crisis Action 1983 N/C
Dance Fantasy Educatif 1984 N/C
David Crane's Pitfall II : Lost Caverns Action 1984 N/C
Defender Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 N/C
Destructor Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 N/C
Donkey Kong Plates-formes 1982 N/C
Donkey Kong Junior Plates-formes 1983 N/C
Double-Ender : Artillery Duel / Chuck Norris... Compilation 1983 N/C
Double-Ender : Sir Lancelot / Robin Hood Compilation 2019 N/C
Dr. Seuss's Fix-Up : The Mix-Up Puzzler Puzzle game 1984 N/C
Dragonfire Action 1984 N/C
Evolution Action 1983 N/C
FaceMaker Educatif 1983 N/C
Fathom Aventure 1984 N/C
Flipper Slipper Flipper 1983 N/C
Fortune Builder Stratégie 1984 N/C
Fraction Fever Educatif 1983 N/C
Frantic Freddy Action 1983 N/C
Frenzy Shoot\'em\'Up 1984 N/C
Frogger Action 1983 N/C
Frogger II : ThreeDeep ! Action 1984 N/C
Front Line Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 N/C
Galaxian Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 N/C
Gateway To Apshai Aventure 1984 N/C
Gorf Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 N/C
Gust Buster Aventure 1983 N/C
Gyruss Shoot\'em\'Up 1984 N/C
H.E.R.O. Shoot\'em\'Up 1984 N/C
Illusions Stratégie 1985 N/C
It's only Rock n' Roll Simulation 1984 N/C
James Bond 007 Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 N/C
Jukebox Educatif 1984 N/C
Julius Erving And Larry Bird Go One-On-One Sport 1984 N/C
Jumpman Junior Plates-formes 1984 80%
Jungle Hunt Action 1983 N/C
Ken Uston BlackJack / Poker Jeu de cartes 1982 N/C
Keystone Kapers Action 1984 N/C
Lady Bug Action 1982 N/C
Learning With Leeper Educatif 1984 N/C
Linking Logic Educatif 1984 N/C
Logic Levels Educatif 1984 N/C
Looping Action 1982 N/C
Memory Manor Educatif 1984 N/C
Meteoric Shower Shoot\'em\'Up 1984 N/C
Miner 2049er Starring Bounty Bob Plates-formes 1983 N/C
Monkey Academy Educatif 1984 N/C
Montezuma's Revenge Featuring Panama Joe Plates-formes 1984 N/C
Moonsweeper Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 N/C
Motocross Racer Course 1984 N/C
Mountain King Plates-formes 1984 N/C
Mouse Trap Action 1982 N/C
Mr. Do ! Action 1983 79%
Mr.Do !'s Castle Action 1984 N/C
Nova Blast Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 N/C
Oil's Well Action 1984 N/C
Omega Race Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 N/C
Pepper II Action 1983 N/C
Pitfall ! Action 1982 N/C
Pitstop Course 1983 N/C
Popeye Plates-formes 1983 N/C
Q*Bert Puzzle game 1983 90%
Q*Bert's Qubes Puzzle game 1984 N/C
Quest For Quintana Roo Aventure 1983 N/C
Robin Hood Action 1984 N/C
Roc 'N Rope Plates-formes 1984 N/C
Rock n' Bolt Action 1984 N/C
Rocky : Super Action Boxing Sport 1983 N/C
Rolloverture Action 1983 N/C
Root Beer Tapper Action 1984 N/C
Sammy Lightfoot Action 1983 N/C
Sector Alpha Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 N/C
Sewer Sam Shoot\'em\'Up 1984 N/C
Sir Lancelot Action 1983 N/C
Slither Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 N/C
Slurpy Shoot\'em\'Up 1984 N/C
Smurf Aventure 1982 N/C
Smurf : Paint 'n' Play Workshop Educatif 1984 N/C
Smurf : Rescue In Gargamel's Castle Aventure 1982 N/C
Space Fury Shoot\'em\'Up 1982 N/C
Space Panic Action 1983 N/C
Spectron Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 N/C
Spy Hunter Action 1984 N/C
Squish ' Em Featuring Sam Action 1984 N/C
Star Trek : Strategic Operations Simulator Simulateur de vol 1984 N/C
Star Wars : The Arcade Game Shoot\'em\'Up 1984 N/C
Starquake - Ricochet Plates-formes 1988 N/C
Subroc Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 N/C
Super Action : Baseball Sport 1983 N/C
Super Action : Football (American Football) Sport 1983 N/C
Super Action : Football (Soccer) Sport 1984 N/C
Super Cobra Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 N/C
Super Force Cross Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 N/C
Tank Wars Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 N/C
Tarzan Action 1984 90%
Telly Turtle Autres 1983 N/C
The Activision Decathlon Sport 1983 N/C
The Dam Busters : Flight Simulator And Action... Simulateur de vol 1984 N/C
The Dukes Of Hazzard Course 1984 N/C
The Heist Action 1983 N/C
The Wizard Of Id's : WizMath - A Math Game For... Educatif 1984 N/C
Threshold Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 40%
Time Pilot Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 N/C
Tomarc The Barbarian Action 1984 N/C
Tournament Tennis Sport 1984 N/C
Turbo Course 1982 N/C
Tutankham Aventure 1983 N/C
Up 'n Down Course 1984 N/C
Venture Aventure 1982 N/C
Victory Shoot\'em\'Up 1983 N/C
War Games Stratégie 1984 N/C
War Room Stratégie 1983 N/C
Wing War Action 1983 N/C
Word Freud Educatif 1984 N/C
Zaxxon Shoot\'em\'Up 1982 90%
Zenji Puzzle game 1984 N/C
- 32X - 3DO - 3DS - Adventure Vision - Amiga - Amiga CD32 - Amstrad-CPC 464 - Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Apple II - Atari 2600 - Atari 5200 - Atari 7800 - Atari ST - Atari XE - CD-i - Channel F - Colecovision - Commodore 64 - DD64 - Dreamcast - DS - e-Reader - Family Computer Disk System - Game and Watch - Game Boy - Game Boy Advance - Game Boy Color - Game Gear - Game Park 32 - GameCube - Gizmondo - GX-4000 - Intellivision - Jaguar - Jaguar CD - Lynx - Mac - Master System - Mega Drive - Genesis - Mega-CD - Sega CD - MSX - N-Gage - Neo Geo - Neo Geo Pocket - Neo Geo Pocket Color - Neo Geo-CD - NES - Famicom - Nintendo 64 - Odyssey - Odyssey2 - PC - PC-Engine CD Rom - PC-Engine Hu-Card - PC-Engine SuperGrafX - Playstation - Pokemon Mini - PS2 - PS3 - PSP - Saturn - SNES - TI-99 4A - TRS-80 - Vectrex - Videopac - Virtual Boy - Wii - Wonderswan - Wonderswan Color - Xbox - Xbox 360