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1995: All the News and Views CD-i - N/C n/c 0
326 Wonderswan - N/C n/c 0
99 HOME SENTRY TI-99 4A - N/C 1986 0
Aironauts Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Ambulance TI-99 4A - N/C 1983 0
Anastasia Playstation - N/C n/c 15
Arkanoid 3 Commodore 64 - N/C 1987 0
Assault Playstation - N/C n/c 11
Astérix & Obélix : Le Coup Du... Amiga - N/C 1989 0
Asteroids Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Attrape la balle / Morpion Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Auto Destruct Playstation - N/C n/c 16
Backgammon Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Baku Jongg Wonderswan Color - N/C n/c 0
Barbie Aventure Equestre Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Bataille sous marine / Tir sur Cible Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Birds of Prey Vectrex - N/C 1982 0
Black Jack Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Bob le Bricoleur Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Bonkhead Mac - N/C 1999 0
Boshi Kenkoukanri Kei Mama Mitte Wonderswan Color - N/C n/c 0
Bratz : Forever Diamondz DS - N/C 2006 7.3
Break Out Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Buddy Anglais DS - N/C 2007 13
Casper 2 Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Catapulte Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Centerbase Amiga - N/C 1992 0
Champ de bataille Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Chat et Souris Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Chess Academie : edition Pro PC - N/C 2007 16
Course aux Dollars Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Course de Voitures / Autodrome / Cryptogramme Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Crazy Chase Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Derby Stallion 64 Nintendo 64 - N/C n/c 1
Dino Master DS - N/C 2007 4
Diver's Dream Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Dracula : Résurrection Playstation - N/C n/c 10
Duel Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Eliminator Playstation - N/C n/c 8
Fantastic Four Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Ghost in the Sheet PC - N/C n/c 0
Ghost in the Shell Playstation - N/C 1998 15.3
Global Domination Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Glouton et voraces Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Glover Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Guerre de l'Espace Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Guerre Laser Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Hexen Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Invasion Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Jeu de paniers Videopac - N/C n/c 0
L'invasion vient de l'espace Playstation - N/C n/c 16.5
La Conquête du monde Videopac - N/C n/c 0
La Quête des anneaux Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Le Monstre de l'Espace Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Le Mur magique Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Le Secret des Pharaons Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Legend of Camelot PS2 - N/C 2007 0
Les Acrobates Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Les Satellites attaquent Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Marvel Super Heroes Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Megaman Battle & Chase Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Morse Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Osmos PC - N/C 2009 15
Peter, tête de pioche Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Quatre en ligne Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Rayman Contre Les Lapins Cretins PS2 - N/C 2006 12
Renegade Racers Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Samurai Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Sherif Fais Moi Peur Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Sherif Fais Moi Peur 2 Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Singeries Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Space Debris Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Team Buddies Playstation - N/C 2000 16.5
Tortues Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Winnie L'Ourson : La Chasse au Miel de Tigrou Playstation - N/C n/c 0
World Series of Poker 2008 : Battle for the... PC - N/C 2007 8
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Zebco Fishing
Game Boy Color -
Zebco Fishing
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Classé 325 sur 402 jeux sur Game Boy Color
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- 32X - 3DO - 3DS - Adventure Vision - Amiga - Amiga CD32 - Amstrad-CPC 464 - Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Apple II - Atari 2600 - Atari 5200 - Atari 7800 - Atari ST - Atari XE - CD-i - Channel F - Colecovision - Commodore 64 - DD64 - Dreamcast - DS - e-Reader - Family Computer Disk System - Game and Watch - Game Boy - Game Boy Advance - Game Boy Color - Game Gear - Game Park 32 - GameCube - Gizmondo - GX-4000 - Intellivision - Jaguar - Jaguar CD - Lynx - Mac - Master System - Mega Drive - Genesis - Mega-CD - Sega CD - MSX - N-Gage - Neo Geo - Neo Geo Pocket - Neo Geo Pocket Color - Neo Geo-CD - NES - Famicom - Nintendo 64 - Odyssey - Odyssey2 - PC - PC-Engine CD Rom - PC-Engine Hu-Card - PC-Engine SuperGrafX - Playstation - Pokemon Mini - PS2 - PS3 - PSP - Saturn - SNES - TI-99 4A - TRS-80 - Vectrex - Videopac - Virtual Boy - Wii - Wonderswan - Wonderswan Color - Xbox - Xbox 360