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Tous les Jeux Video

000.64DD.000 1999 0
100 Classic Book Collection DS - Autres 2008 5
100 in 1 NES - Famicom - Compilation n/c 0
100 Year War PC - MMORPG n/c 0
1200 in 1 NES - Famicom - Compilation n/c 0
18 Wheels of Steel : Across America n/c 0
18 Wheels of Steel : American Long Haul n/c 0
18 Wheels of Steel : Extreme Trucker 2009 0
18 Wheels of Steel : Pedal to the Metal n/c 0
19 : Neunzehn Family Computer Disk System - Stratégie n/c 0
1945 : Operation Konrad 1999 0
326 Wonderswan - N/C n/c 0
3x3 Eyes: Kyuusei Koushu n/c 0
3X3 Eyes: Tenrinou Genmu n/c 0
3Xtreme n/c 0
64 Hanafuda: Tenshi no Yakusoku n/c 14
64 in 1 NES - Famicom - Compilation n/c 0
A Ressha de Ikō IV n/c 0
A Ressha de Ikō V n/c 0
A-Train 8 2009 4
Abuse 1998 17
Accelerator CD-i - Simulation 1997 0
ACE : Air Combat Emulator Amstrad-CPC 464 - Simulateur de vol 1986 0
Ace Ventura 1996 13
Achtung Spitfire 1997 0
Acid Playstation - Puzzle game n/c 0
Aconcagua n/c 0
Action Bass Playstation - Autres n/c 10
Actua Golf n/c 0
Actua Golf 2 1997 0
Actua Ice Hockey 1998 0
Actua Ice Hockey 2 1999 0
Actua Soccer 1996 0
Actua Soccer 2 1997 0
Actua Soccer 2 1998 0
Actua Tennis 1998 8
Adidas Power Soccer 2 n/c 0
Adidas Power Soccer 98 n/c 12
Admiral Sea Battles 1997 10
Advanced Variable Geo n/c 0
Advanced Variable Geo 2 n/c 0
Adventure A : Planet of Death 1984 0
Adventure B : Inca Curse 1984 0
Adventure C : Ship of Doom 1984 0
Adventure to Atlantis n/c 0
AeroFighters Assault Nintendo 64 - Simulateur de vol 1998 10.8
Aerosmith: Quest for Fame Playstation - Musique n/c 0
Age Of Rifles 1998 14
Agon : Le Mystere du Codex n/c 0
Ah64D Longbow 1996 18
AI Shogi 3 n/c 15
Air Conflicts 2006 7
Aironauts Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Aki to Tsukasa no Fushigi no Kabe Family Computer Disk System - Autres n/c 0
Alesia Apple II - Autres 1984 0
Alexandra Ledermann Equitation Passion n/c 0
Alida 2005 10
Alida 2004 0
Alien Syndrome 1988 0
Aliens versus Predator 2 n/c 0
All Star Tennis n/c 0
Alpha Puzzle Bank PC - Puzzle game 2006 3
Alvin & les Chipmunks DS - Musique n/c 7
Alvin et les Chipmunks PC - Musique 2008 5
Amazon Trail n/c 0
American Chopper 2 : Full Throttle n/c 0
American Pool Playstation - Autres 2003 0
AMF Bowling Pinbusters! 2009 0
Amiganoid Amiga - Casse Briques n/c 0
Amphibian Man n/c 0
Anastasia Playstation - N/C n/c 15
Ancient Domains of Mystery Amiga - Jeu de Rôle 1995 0
Animal Boxing n/c 0
Ankh 2006 0
Another War 2003 8.5
Another World 1993 0
Aquanox 2001 13.3
Aquatic Tycoon 2003 10
Arabian Nights 2001 11.5
Arcade Greatest Hits : The Atari Collection 2 Playstation - Compilation n/c 14
Ark of Time n/c 0
Arkanoid 3 Commodore 64 - N/C 1987 0
Arkanoid II : Revenge of Doh Atari ST - Casse Briques 1988 18
Ash : Archaic Sealed Heat n/c 0
Assault Playstation - N/C n/c 11
Asterix and Caesar's Challenge n/c 0
Astonishia Story R n/c 17
Astronoid 2005 11
Atelier Annie n/c 0
Atlantide : L'Empire Perdu Playstation - Plates-formes 2001 16.5
Atlantis n/c 0
Atom smasher Amiga - Shoot\'em\'Up 1992 9
Attrape la balle / Morpion Videopac - N/C n/c 0
ATV: Thunder Ridge Riders / Monster Truck Mayhem n/c 4
Avatar : Le Dernier Maître de l'Air : Into... 2008 0
AWAY : Shuffle Dungeon 2009 12
Azumanga Daioh ! Game Park 32 - Puzzle game n/c 0
B.A.T. II : The Koshan Conspiracy 1993 0
Babar A La Rescousse Game Boy Advance - Plates-formes 2006 5
Baby-foot Videopac - Autres n/c 0
Backgammon Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Baken DS n/c 0
Baku Jongg Wonderswan Color - N/C n/c 0
Bakutoushi Patton-Kun Family Computer Disk System - Autres n/c 0
Baldur's Gate n/c 0
Baldur's Gate : La Légende de l'Ile... n/c 0
Baldur's Gate II : Shadows of Amn 2001 0
Baldur's Gate II : Throne of Bhaal n/c 0
Ball Blaster Apple II - Flipper n/c 0
Ball Crazy Commodore 64 - Casse Briques 1987 0
Bangai-O n/c 16.5
Barbie Aventure Equestre Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Barbie Aventurière n/c 0
Barbie Sport Extreme n/c 3
Baron The Real Estate Simulation n/c 0
Barrow Hill 2006 11
Baseball n/c 0
Bataille Aéronavale / Combat de Chars n/c 0
Bataille sous marine / Tir sur Cible Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Batman : Gotham City Racer n/c 0
Batman : Justice Unbalanced n/c 0
Batman : Toxic Chill n/c 0
Batman of the Future : Return of the Joker n/c 0
Battle Beast n/c 0
Battle Engine Aquila 2004 13
Battle Isle : The Andosia War 2001 14
BattleZone 1986 0
Beach Head 1984 14
Beats of Rage n/c 0
Beyond Dark Castle Mac - Plates-formes 1987 0
Beyond the Tesseract 1983 0
Big Air n/c 0
Big Trouble in Little China 1987 6
Billard américain / Jeu Rotation Videopac - Autres n/c 0
BiosFear 2004 11
Bioshock 2009 0
Birth of America 2006 13
Bishōjo Control Family Computer Disk System - Autres n/c 0
Bishōjo Kachinuki Renju Gomokunarabe Family Computer Disk System - Autres n/c 0
Bishōjo Mahjong Club Family Computer Disk System - Autres n/c 0
Bishōjo Sexy Derby Family Computer Disk System - Autres n/c 0
Bishōjo Sexy Slot Family Computer Disk System - Autres n/c 0
Bistro Recipe n/c 0
Black & White 2 2006 0
Black Beard 1988 0
Black Dawn Saturn - Simulateur de vol 1996 0
Black Jack Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Blackstone Chronicles 1999 12.5
Blagger 1984 0
Blaze and Blaze : Eternal Quest 1998 0
Blockbusters : Gold Run 1984 0
Blood n/c 0
Blood Bath n/c 0
Blood Pong n/c 0
Bob le Bricoleur Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Bonkhead Mac - N/C 1999 0
Bored of the Rings 1985 0
Boulder Dash Construction Kit 1988 0
Break Out Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Breeder Family Computer Disk System - Simulation n/c 0
Brian Clough's Football Fortunes 1987 0
Brian Clough's Football Fortunes 1987 0
Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling 2 n/c 0
Bubble Bobble 1987 0
Bubble Bobble Family Computer Disk System - Plates-formes n/c 0
Buddy Anglais DS - N/C 2007 13
Bugaboo : The Flea 1984 14
Buggy 1998 16
Building & Co : L'Architecte C'est Vous ! 2008 10
Bullseye 1985 0
Buster Block 1986 0
Buster's Bad Dream 2002 13
Cake Mania Mac - Puzzle game n/c 0
California Watersports n/c 0
Camelot Warriors 1986 13
Campus 2007 4.5
Canal+ Classic Billard 1999 16
Cannon Fodder 1994 0
Cap sur l'Ile au Trésor 2009 0
Car Tycoon 2001 10
Card Shark n/c 0
Carlos Sainz 1990 0
Cartoon Network Racing 2006 10.5
Cartoon Network Racing 2006 7
Casanova 1989 12
Casino Slot Machine ! 1980 0
Casper n/c 10
Casper 2 Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Castle Strike 2004 14
Castles II : Siege & Conquest n/c 0
Castrol Honda VTR n/c 0
Catapulte Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Celtic Kings : The Punic Wars 2004 13.3
Centerbase Amiga - N/C 1992 0
Centre Court Tennis 1999 6
Chain Reaction 1988 0
Champ de bataille Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Champion Sheep Rally 2006 12
Championship Sprint 1988 0
Chariots of War 2003 14.3
Charlotte Aux Fraises Et Ses Meilleurs Amis 2006 8
Chat et Souris Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Check Mate n/c 0
Chess Academie : edition Pro PC - N/C 2007 16
Chessmaster 3D n/c 0
Chessmaster II n/c 0
Chicago 1930 2006 0
Chicago 30's 1988 0
Choy-Lee-Fut Kung-Fu Warrior 1990 0
Chris Karama's Street Soccer n/c 0
Chuckie Egg II 1985 0
CivCity Rome 2006 13
Cléopâtre : Le Destin d'une Reine 2009 0
Clock Tower 1998 14.3
Close Combat 4 1999 17
Close Combat 5 2000 14.7
Cobra - Stallone 1987 0
Cobra Triangle NES - Famicom - Shoot\'em\'Up 1989 16
Cocoto Funfair 2006 9
Cocoto Kart Racer 2005 12
Cocoto Kart Racer 2008 13
Cocoto Platform Jumper GameCube - Plates-formes 2004 12
Cold War 2006 0
Cold War Conflicts 2005 11
Colobot 2001 16.8
Combat Mission 2 : Barbarossa to Berlin 2002 16.3
Combat Mission : Beyond Overlord 2001 17.3
Conquestador 1986 0
Countdown 1986 0
Courier Crisis 1997 7.3
Course aux Dollars Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Course de Voitures / Autodrome / Cryptogramme Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Crafton & Xunk 1987 0
Crafton & Xunk 1986 0
Crazy Chase Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Crazy Frog : Collectables Art School DS - Autres 2008 6
Crazy Frog Racer 2 2006 4
Crazy Golf 1984 0
Crime Cities 2001 10.7
Croc Playstation - Plates-formes n/c 17.3
Crocodingus Game Park 32 - Plates-formes n/c 0
Crusader : No Remorse 1996 0
Crusader : No Remorse 1997 14
Crystal Quest n/c 0
Cyberun 1986 0
Daito Giken Koushiki Pachi-Slot Simulator... PS2 - Casino 2004 0
Damage Incorporated 1997 0
Dandy 1986 0
Danger Mouse in Double Trouble 1985 0
Dark Age Of Camelot : Catacombs PC - MMORPG 2005 15
Dark Rift 1997 10.5
Dark Sceptre 1988 0
Dark Sector 2009 15
Davis Cup Tennis 1996 0
Deactivators 1986 0
Deadlock 1996 0
Deadly Arts 1998 6.5
Death or Glory 1987 0
Deep Space Nine : The Fallen 2001 15.5
Deep Strike Amstrad-CPC 464 - Simulateur de vol 1986 0
Defcon : Everybody dies 2006 15.9
Deo Gratias 1998 0
Derby Stallion 64 Nintendo 64 - N/C n/c 1
Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf 1995 0
Diggles 2002 11.5
Discworld 2 1997 16.3
Discworld Noir n/c 13
Disk 50 Amstrad-CPC 464 - Compilation 1984 7
Disney's Magical Mirror Starring Mickey Mouse 2002 10
Dofus PC - MMORPG 2004 16.9
Dora L'Exploratrice : Voyage Sur La Planete... 2005 10
Doraemon 2 : Nobita to Hikari no Shinden Nintendo 64 - Plates-formes n/c 12
Doraemon 3: Nobita no Machi SOS! Nintendo 64 - Plates-formes n/c 15
Doraemon: Nobita to 3-tsu no Seirei Ishi Nintendo 64 - Plates-formes n/c 13
Doulber 2000 13
Dracula 2 2000 12.7
Dracula : Résurrection Playstation - N/C n/c 10
Dracula : Resurrection 1999 14.7
Dragon of Rage Game Park 32 - Aventure n/c 0
Dragon Throne 2002 11.5
Dragon's Lair 1986 0
Drakkar 1989 0
Drazen Petrovic Basket 1989 0
Duel Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Duke Nukem : Manhattan Project 2002 13.5
Duke nukem Forever n/c 0
Duke Nukem GP n/c 0
Dun Darach 1985 0
Dynasty Wars 1990 0
Eamon 1987 0
Earth 2150 2000 15.5
Earthworm Jim 2 n/c 0
Earthworm Jim 3D 1999 10.7
Elemental Pinball Playstation - Autres n/c 10.5
Elevator Action 1987 0
Elf Logic Game Park 32 - Puzzle game n/c 0
Eliminator Playstation - N/C n/c 8
Emergency 3 2005 6.2
Empereur : L'Empire Du Milieu 2002 16.7
Encyclopedia of War: Ancient Battles Amstrad-CPC 464 - Educatif 1988 0
Endurance 1985 0
Enigma : Rising Tide 2006 14.5
Etherlords 2001 14.5
Euro Club Manager 2006 2006 2
Europa Universalis 2001 14
Europa Universalis 2 2002 16.3
Europa Universalis : Les Guerres du Nord 2003 12.5
Eve Online 2003 15.3
Evil Islands 2001 13.8
Evochron Alliance 2008 6
Exalight 2008 10.5
Exhumed 1997 12
EyeToy : Play Astro Zoo 2007 10
Fūrai no Siren 2: Oni Shūrai!... n/c 17
F1 World Grand Prix 2001 16
F1 World Grand Prix 99 2000 7
Fantastic Four Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Felony 11-79 1997 13
Fire Ant 1984 0
FireTrap 1987 0
Firo And Klawd 1998 0
Flight Deck 2004 PC - Simulateur de vol 2003 8
Flight Simulator 1980 0
Flipper Videopac - Flipper n/c 0
Flunky 1987 0
Flying Dragon 1998 11
Flying Shark 1987 0
Football / Hockey sur glace n/c 0
Football Américain n/c 0
Football Manager 2 1988 16
Forbidden Planet 1986 0
Ford Racing n/c 0
Formula GP 2003 7
Formula One n/c 0
Franklin : Un Anniversaire Surprise PS2 - Plates-formes 2006 11
Franklin The Turtle Game Boy Advance - Autres 2004 9
Fruity Frank 1984 0
FS Design Studio version 2 PC - Simulateur de vol 2004 16
Fugitif 1991 16
Fun School 3 : For 5 to 7 Year Olds Amstrad-CPC 464 - Educatif 1991 0
Galactic Plague 1984 17
Gangstaz Knightz n/c 0
Geoff Capes Strongman 1985 0
Ghost in the Sheet PC - N/C n/c 0
Ghouls'n Ghosts 1989 16
Giro 2003 0
Glen Hoddle Soccer 1985 0
Global Domination Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Glouton et voraces Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Glover Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Gods 1991 0
Golf n/c 0
Grandia 2 2002 15.7
Granny's Garden Amstrad-CPC 464 - Educatif 1987 0
Green Beret 1986 0
Gremlins : The Adventure 1985 0
Guerre de l'Espace Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Guerre Laser Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Gun.Smoke 1987 9
Gunfright 1985 0
Guy Roux Manager '99 n/c 0
Guy Roux Manager 2001 n/c 0
Halls of the Things 1985 0
Hangsim 1999 12.5
Hard Boiled 1998 0
Hard Hat Mack 1984 0
HardBall ! 1986 13
Harrier Attack Amstrad-CPC 464 - Simulateur de vol 1984 0
Harvest Moon : A Wonderful Life 2004 17.5
Harvest Moon : Back to Nature 2000 15
Hearts of Iron 2003 15.3
Heavy on the Magick 1986 0
Heidi : Le Jeu Officiel Game Boy Advance - Plates-formes 2006 6
Heiwa Pachinko World 64 Nintendo 64 - Autres n/c 0
Heroes Of Annihilated Empires 2006 13.8
Hexen Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Hi Octane 1995 0
Hijack 1986 0
Hillsfar 1989 0
Horse Life 2 : Aventures autour du Monde 2008 12.7
Hotshot Atari ST - Casse Briques 1988 0
Hotshot Amstrad-CPC 464 - Casse Briques 1988 0
Hugo Playstation - Plates-formes 2003 10
Hugo 2 Playstation - Plates-formes 1999 13
Humphrey 1988 0
Hunchback 1984 0
Hydrofool 1987 0
I Alien 1988 0
Identification / Rendez-Vous Spatial / Logique n/c 0
Igor : Le Jeu 2008 0
Ikaruga 2002 16
Imperium Romanum 2008 14
Indy 500 n/c 0
Into the Eagle's Nest 1987 0
Invasion Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Iron Maiden Ed Hunter 1999 0
Isoleur 1985 0
Jack the Ripper 1987 0
Jaws 1989 0
Jaws 1989 0
Jaws : Le Dernier Etalon 1988 15
Jeremy McGrath Supercross '98 n/c 0
Jet Set Willy 1985 0
Jet-Boot Jack 1984 0
Jeu de paniers Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Jeu de Quilles / Basket Ball n/c 0
Jigsaw Madness 2004 12
Jimmy White's Cueball World 2001 16
Jimmy's Soccer Manager 1992 0
Jinks 1988 0
Jonah Barrington's Squash 1985 13
Jump Jet 1985 0
Kao The Kangaroo : Round 2 GameCube - Plates-formes 2005 15.3
Karateka 1986 15
Karnov 1988 11
Kidz Sports Basketball 2008 5
King Tuts Tomb Adventure 1979 0
Kiss Pinball Playstation - Autres n/c 0
KKND : Krossfire 1999 12
Knight Lore 1984 0
Korokoro Cubix DS - Puzzle game 2009 0
L'invasion vient de l'espace Playstation - N/C n/c 16.5
La Bande à Picsou : La Ruée vers... 1990 0
La Conquête du monde Videopac - N/C n/c 0
La Quête des anneaux Videopac - N/C n/c 0
La Secte Noire 1994 0
La Secte Noire 1990 0
Landmaker n/c 0
Laser Squad 1989 13
Last King of Africa 2008 15
Le Challenge Equestre de Lucinda Green 2007 8
Le Challenge Equestre De Lucinda Green 2007 8
Le Club des 5 et le Trésor de l'Ile 1991 0
Le Labyrinthe / Superlogique n/c 0
Le Manoir de Mortevielle 1988 0
Le Manoir de Mortevielle 1988 0
Le Monstre de l'Espace Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Le Mur magique Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Le Roi Scorpion : L'ascension de l'Akkadien 2002 10.8
Le Secret des Pharaons Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Le Seigneur des Anneaux : La Communauté de... 2002 12
Leader Board 1986 0
Legend of Foresia n/c 0
Legion 2002 9.8
Lego Racers 1999 15
Les Acrobates Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Les Chevaliers de Baphomet 1996 17.6
Les enquêtes de Nancy Drew : Danger au coeur de... 2006 0
Les Fous du Volant n/c 15
Les Grandes Aventures De Franklin Game Boy Advance - Plates-formes 2005 8
Les Portes du Temps 1989 0
Les Satellites attaquent Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Lionel Trains 2007 3
Live for Speed 2003 16
Loaded 1996 0
Logique Chinoise n/c 0
London Racer n/c 0
Lucky Luke : Nitroglycerine 1987 10
L'Ange de Cristal 1988 0
Macadam Bumper Amstrad-CPC 464 - Flipper 1985 0
Magical Drop 3 Playstation - Puzzle game n/c 0
Major Dream 2008 0
Mambo 1989 0
Manic Miner 1984 0
MARCH! : Offworld Recon 2003 10.8
Marsport 1985 9
Marvel Super Heroes Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Marvel vs. Capcom : Clash of the Super Heroes n/c 17.5
Mass Destruction Saturn - Course 1997 0
Massive Assault 2003 12.4
Masters '98: Haruka Naru Augusta n/c 0
Matchstick Puzzle by DS 2008 8
Mathématicien / Echo n/c 0
Maths Amusantes Videopac - Educatif n/c 0
Maupiti Island 1990 0
MDK 1997 15
Mega-Apocalypse 1988 7
Megachess 1988 0
Megaman Battle & Chase Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Miami Vice 1989 0
Midnight Outlaw : Illegal Street Drag 2003 3
Mighty Hits Saturn - Course 1996 0
Mighty Hits Special 2000 14
Military Aircraft Collector's PC - Simulateur de vol 2004 4
Mission Elevator 1986 0
Mission Elevator 1986 16
Mon ami le dauphin 2007 4
Monster Trucks n/c 0
Morse Videopac - N/C n/c 0
MTV Remote Control NES - Famicom - Autres 1989 0
Multiwinia : Survival of the Flattest 2008 14.5
Muppet Racemania 2000 14
Musique Videopac - Musique n/c 0
Mystery Dungeon : Shiren the Wanderer 2 n/c 0
Naruto Path of Ninja n/c 12
Navy Moves 1988 0
Nemesis the Warlock 1987 0
NHL 2 On 2 Open Ice Challenge n/c 0
NHL 2K3 2003 16.7
Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix 1988 0
Night Shift 1990 0
Night Shift 1991 12
Nightmare Gallery n/c 16
Nightshade 1985 14
Ninja Scooter Simulation 1988 13
No Exit 1990 0
No Exit 1990 16
Nones of Yesod 1985 0
Nosferatu the Vampyre 1986 13
Nushi Tsuri 64 n/c 0
Nushi Tsuri 64: Shiokaze Ninotte n/c 0
O.R.B 2003 14
Oddworld : L'Exode D'Abe Playstation - Plates-formes 1998 17.7
Oh Mummy 1984 0
Oriental Games 1990 0
Oriental Games 1990 13
Oui-Oui Au Pays Des Jouets Game Boy Advance - Plates-formes 2005 11
Pac-Land Atari ST - Plates-formes 1989 0
Pac-Land 1988 14
Pac-Mania 1988 0
Pacman on E's Atari ST - Autres 1994 0
Paint by DS DS - Autres n/c 7
Paint By DS : Military Vehicles DS - Autres 2008 6
Pandemonium 1997 0
Panzadrome 1985 0
Panzer General 1996 14.5
Panzer General 2 : Allied General n/c 0
Paris-Dakar 1988 0
Parlor! Pro 64: Pachinko Jikki Simulation Nintendo 64 - Autres n/c 0
Passing Shot 1989 0
Perfect Assassin 1998 0
Peter, tête de pioche Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Pipemania 3D n/c 10
Polaris Snocross n/c 8.5
Prince Of Persia 3D 1999 16
Pro Foot Contest 98 n/c 0
Programmation n/c 0
Prophecy 1 : The Viking Child 1990 0
Psychic Force 2 2000 13
Puppy Luv Animal Tycoon 2008 5
Puyo Puyo Party Nintendo 64 - Puzzle game n/c 0
Puyo Puyo Sun 64 Nintendo 64 - Puzzle game n/c 16
Quatre en ligne Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Rally Championship 2002 2001 13
Real Fishing 2 Playstation - Autres n/c 0
Renegade Racers Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Resident Evil 1997 18
Robin Hood : Defender of the Crown 2004 11.3
Robotfindskitten 1987 0
Robotica : Cybernation Revolt 1995 16
Rock Manager 2002 14
Rogue Ops 2004 13
Sabotain : Break the rules 2004 5
Sam & Max Season 2 Episode 4 : Chariots of... 2008 14
Samurai Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Santa Paravia and Fiumaccio 1978 0
Scorcher 1997 0
Score 3020 Amstrad-CPC 464 - Flipper 1990 0
Scurge Hive 2006 14.3
Sensible Soccer 1992 0
Serra Pelada 1984 0
Sesame Street : Elmo's Letter Adventure Nintendo 64 - Educatif n/c 0
Sesame Street : Elmo's Number Journey Nintendo 64 - Educatif n/c 0
Sherif Fais Moi Peur Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Sherif Fais Moi Peur 2 Playstation - N/C n/c 0
Ship Simulator 2006 2006 6
Silent Hill : Homecoming 2009 12
Sim City 2000 1995 0
Singeries Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Ski n/c 0
Slingo Quest PC - Autres 2008 2
Soldier of Light 1988 0
Solitaire DS 2008 15
Sonic : The Lost Worlds Master System - Plates-formes 2009 0
Sorcerers Castle Adventure 1979 0
Souris City PS2 - Plates-formes 2006 8.7
Souris City GameCube - Plates-formes 2006 8.7
Spec Ops 2 : Omega Squad 2001 12
Speedball 2 : Tournament 2008 10
Spindizzy Worlds 1990 0
Sporting Triangles 1989 0
Starfighter 3000 n/c 0
Starquake 1988 0
Steel Beasts 2002 15.8
Steve Davis World Snooker 1989 0
Stormtrooper 1988 0
Street Scooters 2000 0
Street Skater n/c 12
Streets of Rage 2 Ultra Edition Featuring Roo Master System - Beat\'em\'All 2018 0
Strike Fighters : Project 1 2003 12
Strip Poker : A Sizzling Game of Chance Atari ST - Autres 1987 0
Summer Athletics 2008 8.8
Summer Athletics 2008 11
Summer Athletics 2008 11
Super Bee Videopac - Adresse 1982 0
Super Bowling n/c 13
Super Fruit Fall Wii - Puzzle game 2006 6.5
Super Mario World NES - Famicom - Plates-formes n/c 0
Super Sprint 1986 0
Super Street Fighter II Turbo 3DO - Combat 1994 0
Sword Of The Stars 2006 13.5
Tai-Pan 1987 0
Tank Platoon ! n/c 0
Tau Ceti 1986 0
Team Factor 2002 10.3
Team Suzuki 1991 0
Telefoot Manager n/c 0
Ten Pin Alley 1996 16
Tennis Championship n/c 0
Terramex 1987 0
Territory Apple II - Puzzle game n/c 0
Terrorist Takedown 2 : Brigade Speciale 2008 7
Test Drive 4x4 n/c 0
Tetris 2 Apple II - Puzzle game 1990 0
The 7th Guest 1993 0
The Armageddon Man 1988 0
The Flintstones Game Boy Advance - Plates-formes 2002 7.5
The great Wall Street Fortune Hunt n/c 0
The Horde 1995 10
The Hunt for Red October 1987 0
The Path 2009 15
The Simpsons Hit & Run 2003 15.3
The Wizards Castle 1979 0
The Yellow Submarine n/c 0
Thrust 1986 0
Thunderbirds 1989 0
Time and Magik : The Trilogy Atari ST - Compilation 1988 0
Tiny Toon Adventures : Toonenstein le Chateau... 1999 13
Tiny Toon Adventures : Wacky Stackers Game Boy Advance - Puzzle game 2002 15
Tony Tough 2 : Détective Privé 2006 10
Top Gun : Combat Zones GameCube - Course 2002 10
Tortues Videopac - N/C n/c 0
Tortuga : Pirates et Flibustiers 2003 11
Toshinden 4 2000 14
Towers : Lord Baniff's Deceit 1993 0
Towers II : Plight of the Stargazer 1995 0
Tracksuit Manager 1988 0
TRAINZ 2002 14.5
Trainz Railroad Simulator 2004 2003 15
Two Worlds 2007 8.2
Venus Redemption n/c 0
Victi : Blood Bitterness 2006 5
Victorious Boxers Challenge 2008 11.2
Virtual Fishing 1995 12
Virtual Golf 1996 0
Virtual Lab Virtual Boy - Puzzle game 1995 6
Virtual Pro Wrestling 2 n/c 16
Virtual Pro Wrestling 64 n/c 0
Volcano Hunter 1984 0
Volley-Ball n/c 0
Voyage to Atlantis 1978 0
War Rock 2007 5
Warzone 2100 1999 0
Western Games 1987 0
Wild Metal Country 1999 11
Wing Over 2 Playstation - Simulateur de vol 1999 0
Wipeout 1996 15
Word Challenge Apple II - Puzzle game n/c 0
World Series of Poker 2008 : Battle for the... PC - N/C 2007 8
Wrecking Crew n/c 0
WWII : Desert Rats 2003 8.7
X-Plane 4 Mac - Simulateur de vol 1996 0
Xenocracy 1998 15
Yannick Noah All Star Tennis 1999 0
Zeno Clash 2009 0
Zero 5 1994 0
'98 Koushien n/c 0
'99 Kōshien n/c 0
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NES - Famicom - Jeu de Rôle
The Bard's Tale
Classé 14275 sur 26313 jeux au général
Classé 361 sur 1769 jeux sur NES - Famicom
La presse:
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Les joueurs:
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Note globale Catégorie Notez ce jeu
- 32X - 3DO - 3DS - Adventure Vision - Amiga - Amiga CD32 - Amstrad-CPC 464 - Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Apple II - Atari 2600 - Atari 5200 - Atari 7800 - Atari ST - Atari XE - CD-i - Channel F - Colecovision - Commodore 64 - DD64 - Dreamcast - DS - e-Reader - Family Computer Disk System - Game and Watch - Game Boy - Game Boy Advance - Game Boy Color - Game Gear - Game Park 32 - GameCube - Gizmondo - GX-4000 - Intellivision - Jaguar - Jaguar CD - Lynx - Mac - Master System - Mega Drive - Genesis - Mega-CD - Sega CD - MSX - N-Gage - Neo Geo - Neo Geo Pocket - Neo Geo Pocket Color - Neo Geo-CD - NES - Famicom - Nintendo 64 - Odyssey - Odyssey2 - PC - PC-Engine CD Rom - PC-Engine Hu-Card - PC-Engine SuperGrafX - Playstation - Pokemon Mini - PS2 - PS3 - PSP - Saturn - SNES - TI-99 4A - TRS-80 - Vectrex - Videopac - Virtual Boy - Wii - Wonderswan - Wonderswan Color - Xbox - Xbox 360